Part 16

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The whole crew and I sit up on stage, we finally  got recognized for finding the city of gold

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The whole crew and I sit up on stage, we finally  got recognized for finding the city of gold.
"An expedition of one man John Routledge and a group of teenagers who are with us today.
Locals who grew up here and who succeeded where centuries of conquistadors explorers and admirals failed. Today we come together to celebrate these teens friends from both sides of the island who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery. Let's hear it for them!" The man says as the crowd cheers for us.
Once the whole speech was finished we all walked off together
"Okay I need a reset. I need a reset right now. This is a lot. It's time to celebrate." JJ says
"I'll take one hit. One." Pope says
"Bad man now" Cleo laughs
"I'm in" I tell them

John b and I stand at a table not to far away from the group
"Big John would've thought this was all bullshit" I laugh
"Yeah he kind of hated this side of the island." John b laughs
"But I know you're thinking about him" I say
"I don't know. After everything that's happened it's just... it's just different. It just feels so normal. You know? Kie's saving turtles Pope's going away to school and JJ bought the charter boat. And we have a killer surf shop." He tells me
"Yeah that's all good right?" I ask him
"Yeah." John b smiles
"Excuse me. I... I don't mean to interrupt." A man says walking up to us
"Uh can we help you?" Pope asks walking over
"Yes. I wanted to tell you all it's remarkable what you all did. Royal Merchant El Dorado Denmark Tanny. Impressive résumé impressive. I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine." He asks us
"Oh yeah? What type of item is that?" Cleo asks
"It's a manuscript. I would investigate it myself but I'm too long in the tooth. I need partners and you all were first on my list." The man says taking out a manuscript from his briefcase.
"May I?" Pope asks him
"I was hoping you would" the man says
"1718. Jeez this is old. Exhibition notes dates." Pop says
"This is a captain's log. This shows the exact position of the ship." John b says
"The exact location where the ship sailed and where it stopped" the man tells him
"Who is the captain?" JJ asks him
"Edward Teach. Blackbeard." The man tells us
"Hot damn" John B says.
We all look at each other
"So we're really doing this?" Sarah asks
"Oh yeah. We're doing this." I smile

I sit with John b in his house
"Hey star?" He asks
"Yeah?" I ask
"Can you sing that song?" He asks me
I nod while smiling at him
"City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you
That now our dreams may finally come true
City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else
A rush
A glance
A touch
A dance
A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says, I'll be here
And you'll be alright
I don't care if I know
Just where I will go
'Cause all that I need's this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart
Think I want it to stay
City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars" I sing

"You never shined so brightly" John b and I both sing the last line looking at each other

"I love you JB" I tell him
"I love you my beautiful Star" he smiles then leads down to kiss me

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