Part 15

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Tonight was bonfire night

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Tonight was bonfire night. Every year at the same time and same place. It was tradition. I don't know why I decided to go with topper. Maybe it was because John b was going with Yvonnne. Maybe it was because I wanted a distraction.

"Stella you know what you need?" Topper ask me
"You need a drink. All right let's get you a drink. Oh! They got mai tais. Come on." Topper tells me 
"I don't know" I say
"Come on. Let's just have a good night. Come on." Topper tells me giving me a can
"Yeah." I say trying to put on a smile
"Something to kind of take the edge off. Cheers." He says
"Cheers" I repeat
"Cheers to just a... just a normal fun night"
Topper says
"Yeah." I laugh
As I start to take a sip see John B talking to Yvonne. I stared at him for a while before he looks over at me and I look away.
After a little longer topper some how gets onto a conversation about John b
"Stella I got nothing against him all right? I really don't. I just... I didn't feel like you belonged with him right? And I... I knew you thought you were close." He tells me
"We were close" I tell him
"You're... you're... you're too damn trusting.
You're just gonna get hurt. I just... I don't think they feel things in the same way that we do. You know what I think? I think we should have a good time tonight. And I wanna dance." Topper tells me and I force a smile
"Let's dance." He says grabbing my hand
"Come on. Let's dance!" He laughs
I laugh as topper spins me around
"What are you doing?" I ask him
"It just... just feels like old times you know? It's just... it's just you and me. We're just... Listen Stella I don't wanna freak you out after everything you've been through-" he starts to tell me
"What could possibly freak me out any more than what I've already been through?" I ask him
"I just don't want you to forget we had something too" Topper says and my smile falls
We slowly starts to lean in closing his eyes and I step backwards
"Uhh. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" I tell him
"Oh! Oh um...I'm sorry. I uh... Yeah. One... one too many mai tais." He laughs
"Look it's... it's just I don't need anything like this right now" I tell him honestly
"It's all good. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Topper says
"It's fine" I tell him
"I promised them a shotgun." Topper says pointing to Kelce.
"Yeah. Go do that." I laugh
"I'll see you in a second" Topper says

I decided to let myself be a little bit of a bitch for a second so I walk over to john B and Yvonne. "Sancho." I say and John B turns to look at me
I act surprised when I see Yvonne
"And if it isn't Yvonne." I say
"What are you doing here?" John B asks me
"Same thing you're doing here it looks like" I say as topper wraps his arm around me. I wanted to shove him off in that moment but i wanted to be a bitch so I just kept smiling
"Hey Top!" I smile
"Hey Stella. Hey I think we should go." He tells me
"I don't know what you mean. I think we're just getting started" I say
"Good idea. You should go Stella" Yvonne tells me
"Did I ask you?" I ask her
"Cause if I remember correctly I didn't ask you anything" I tell her
"You don't own everything princess. You aren't even together" Yvonne tells me
"Oh God! Why are you still talking?" I ask her
"Relax!" Topper says to Yvonne.
"Have a little respect! Her dad just died!" He yells
"Shut up Kook! Back off!" Yvonne says shoving Topper.
"What's your problem?" Topper asks her
"Respect?" Yvonne asks
Topper and Yvonne keep going back and forth while I look at John b
"You always knew how to pick 'em JB" I tell him
"What am I to you huh? Am I just another one?
Like that?" John B asks me
"She just another groupie that you're gonna collect? Did... did I mean anything to you? Did you-did you tell her?" I ask him
Topper tries to pull me away from John B but I didn't want to leave just yet
"You wanna start shit right now?" Topper asks John b
"Do I wanna start some shit?" John B asks him
"Come on John B. Kick his ass!" People yell as they circle up around us
"They all know what happened last time"
Topper tells him
"Just get out! Just go!" I tell john b pushing him
"I'll beat your ass" Topper says
"Get out of here Topper" John B says
"John b please" I whisper to him
"He started it Stella." He tells me
"Don't even think about it" I turn and tell Topper.
Kelce steps in between John B and I.
"Hey she don't want you anymore bro." He tells John b
"Shut the hell up!" John B says then turns to walk off
"What you gonna do John B kill me like you killed Sheriff Peterkin? Do something!" Kelce yells
"Shut the hell up!" I yell at kelce just as John b turns and punches him. Then topper grabs John b and throws him down
"Get him!" People yell
"Stop! Stop!" I yell
"Do they ever not cause problems?" Kelce says pushing past someone. He accidentally causes the guy to drop his drink and then they start going at it. Then everyone joined the fight
"Suck on this! Piece of shit!" Someone yells
I get stuck in the middle but then Yvonnne shoves me causing me to land on my butt
"Star!" John B yells
"Move bitch! What's your problem?" Kie yells shoving Yvonne
"Hey what the hell?" Yvonne yells
"You all right?" Kie asks helping me up
"Whose side are you on?" Yvonne asks kie
"She's our friend" Kie says
"You belong with us!" Yvonne yells as I turn to look back at John b and topper
"Remember what happened on the beach? Do you wanna go through that again?" Topper tells him
"Hey!" Pope yell getting to John b
"JJ!" Pope yells trying to pull John b away
Kelce grabs Pope and punches him.
"Stop!" I yell at him
JJ finally gets Topper off of John B.
"Get off of him!" JJ yells
"It's not worth it" Kie says as Pope punches Kelce in the face.
"We gotta get out of here! Come on!" Kie yells
They all finally stop fighting
"You good? You good? All right" JJ asks John b
"I'm good" John B answers
"Get out of here Pogue!" Someone yells
"Stop!" I yell at him
"Kie let's go!" Pope yells
"Go back to the Cut." He yells
"Shut the hell up!" I yell at all of them
I look behind me one last time making eye contact with John b before he walks off

I sit in toppers car as he talks to me
"Couldn't just have one night without some shit going on. I mean these Pogues they just... they... they need to make up reasons for why they don't have nice things. That's all I can come up with. I get it's exciting and all the Pogue life the adventure but... well after a while you just wanna live a normal life." Topper tells me
"No. Stop stop. No. I can't do this anymore." I tell him
"Do what?" Topper asks me
"This. I can't do this. Act like we're friends. I have to go." I tell him
"Stella wait" Topper says
"No. I have to go." I tell him getting out of the car and closing the door

I get to John b's house and start to walk to the back. I see them all sitting eating smores together.
"I just want one bite. That... Mmm" John B says grabbing kie's smore
"What are you doing? No stop!" Kie yells
"You're not having any of mine" JJ tells him 
"I thought you were gonna share" John B says
"I spent the last of my money on that" Kie tells him

I finally step out to where they can see me
"Stella?" John B asks
"Shouldn't you be off with your Kook friends?"
JJ asks me. I try not to look hurt by that but I don't think I did a very good job
"What are you... What are you doing here?"
John B asks me
"I need to talk to you" I say
"We're all ears" Pope says
"Alone please" I tell him
John b stands up about to walk off with him
"Yeah.. uh. Wait. Hey. Hey. Somebody's here." He says shushing us
"You don't think that Topper would-" Kie says trailing off.
"I wouldn't put it past him" JJ says
"Do you have your gun?" I ask JJ
"Oh now she wants the gun" JJ says
"Oh now you don't have the gun?" Kie asks him
"No" JJ tells me.
"Aren't you supposed to be the one to 'protect us'?" I ask him
"Shut up" John B tells us
"Goddamn now she wants the gun" JJ says
"Hey who's out there?" John B says as we walk away from the fire some
"You Kooks better not try anything" Kie says
"Who's there?" JJ asks
And just then Renfield walks out from the dark
"How y'all doing?" He asks us
"It's this piece of shit" Pope says
"You gotta be kidding me" JJ mumbles
"Lovely evening we're having. Look I uh... I don't hold a grudge with any of y'all all right? But this can go hard or this can go easy. You know what I'm here for. Let me give you a little demonstration. You see that swing? I got the best bow hunters in the Army Rangers with me. Hidden." He says then whistles and an arrow flys by hitting the tree behind us
"Now they're out there. They'll stick you just as soon as I say so." He says and JJ went to punch Renfield with a bar but he whistles again and a arrow lands a inch away from JJ's foot
"Uh uh uh. We clear? Now I'm not gonna give you a countdown or any bullshit like that. I'm just gonna whistle." He tells us
Pope takes the key out of his pocket giving it to him. But when he reaches for it he pulls it away
"No." Pope says
"Oh." Renfield says as he looks real pissed.
"This key belongs to my family" Pope says
"I'm losing my patience with you Pope." He tells him
After a few seconds Pope gives him the key
"Did the right thing kid. Knowing when you don't have a choice is an under appreciated talent. You be safe. Easy there. Y'all have a good night." He says whistling again before walking out
"I'm so sick of this shit" Pope says walking off.

I sit with John b on the dock
"Why were you with Yvonne?" I ask him
"Why were you with Topper?" John B asks
"I don't know.... I guess I wanted some of my normal life back" I tell him
"Normal?" John B asks me
"Yeah. But I realized very quickly that, that was never my life. My life was with you. With the crew." I tell him as he smiles
"But JB I will be honest. I haven't fully forgiven you. But I know that I don't want to be without you." I tell him as his smiles drops
"So you want to be with me but not with me?"
John B asks me confused
"I want to be friends JB like before we started dating" I tell him
"Alright. Then friends." He nods
"Friends." I say smiling a little

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