Part 9

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"All right keep a look out

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"All right keep a look out. We're behind enemy lines" JJ says pulling out his gun.
"Yo come on man. Just put it back" John B tells him
"JJ" I say
"What? You can never be too careful" JJ tells us
"Hey I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems than they solve." Pope tells him
"Thank you Pope" John B says
John B grabs the gun and puts it back into the glove compartment.
"There you go" Pope says
"You can't grab a gun like that. Can't forget my badge." JJ says then gets out of the car
"Professional busboy." He adds
"So where are we going now?" Pope asks
"We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now" JJ tells him
"This way!" He says
"Andrew!" JJ calls out
"All right?" Andrew says
"What's up bro? Mama L good to see you!" JJ says
"Hey no! JJ!" The lady says slapping his hand
"Mm-hm. See they got the backup generators going? Kooks don't miss a beat." JJ says leading us into a room with computers
"Sweet Lord the internet! I've missed you." Pope says sitting down
"Let me get in there. Gotta check out my Insta models" JJ says
"JJ no" I tell him
"Hey. Hey! Hey! My Dad's map" John says putting it next to pope
"Coordinates please?" Pope asks
"34° 57' 30" north. 75° 55' 42" west" John B tells him.
"Okay. Boom continental shelf right there." Pope says
"Well if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt is it?" Pope asks .
"Come on, baby. Come on." John b mumbles
"Shit it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet"
John B says
"That's not too deep" JJ says
"Is that doable or something?" I ask them
"Yeah, totally doable" JJ tells me
"Will we be taking your personal submarine?"
Pope asks
"How do you know this Mr. Dive Master?" John B  asks
"The salvage yard. They got a drone that can drop 1,000. It has a 360 camera and everything.
It's for like deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need" JJ says
"Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" John B asks
"Well my dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired. I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out. But the drone's there. It's in the impound yard out back" JJ tells us
"How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?" I ask
"400 million" John B tells me
"400 mil" JJ repeats
"400 million dollars?" Kie says walking to the door
"No. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. No!" Pope says standing in her way
"Pope! Move" Kie tells him
"Guys that's too..." Pope starts to say
"Come on." Kie says moving him out of the way
"Can't we do anything legal for money?" Pope asks
"Just go" John B tells him
"Shit y'all I gotta go" I say looking at the time
"Wait what?" John b asks
"I promised my dad id go clean up the beach with my sisters" I tell him
"Meet at the wreck after?" I ask
"Yeah see you there" they mumble as I walk off

I make my way to the beach and quickly join the circle they had formed. We started cleaning up and I walked over to see wheezie was a little tipsy
"Woah woah woah sneezies drunk?" I ask laughing
"Said she was grown up enough" Sarah told me
"Huh. Well you and I got drunk at 12 so she did pretty good" I laugh swinging my arm around Sarah

Sarah and I were holding wheezies hair up as she threw up in the toilet.
"Ugh... Oh God" Sarah groans
"So what have we learned?" I ask her
"Never mix vodka with Crystal Light." She says
"Very good" Sarah says
"Ugh... Please don't tell Dad." She asks us
"We won't. On one condition." I smile
"What's that?" She asks
"You cover for Sarah and I sneaking out tonight" I tell her
"Please" Sarah adds.
"Fine" Wheezie tells us
"Yes thank you!" I smile giving her a hug before she started to throw up again

I walk out onto the porch to hear Rafe and dad arguing
"I don't feel like you care!" Dad yells
"I said I do!" Rafe yells back
"Yeah you said it" Dad said
"What do you want me to say?" Rafe asks him
"I don't want you to say anything! Take care of business. Where are the backup generators? I gave you money for the back up generators. You said you would take care of it. Did you take care of it? Where are they?" Dad asks
"They're on back order" Rafe tells him
"Yeah of course they are" Dad scoffs
"There was a hurricane" Rafe says
"I tell you what. You know that Pogue I just fired? Way more reliable than you" Dad tells him
"Really?" Rafe asks
"Yeah really! You need to get it together Rafe, or you can go live on the cut" Dad warns him and Rafe laughs.
"Is that funny to you?" He asks
"Wow" Rafe says
"You can go live on the damn cut Rafe... as far as I'm concerned. Now get out and get of here.
I'm sick of lookin' at you. Make yourself useful somewhere, somehow" Dad tells him
"Sarah and Stella aren't working" Rafe tells him
"This isn't about them Rafe. You're almost 20.
You don't just get to sit back and have everything handed to you" Dad tells him
"Yes sir" Rafe says
"It doesn't seem you understand me" Dad tells him
"I'll take care of those generators okay?" Rafe says
"I'll believe that when I see it" Dad scoffs
He comes storming at out and stops when he sees me
"Told you. Shouldn't have bought that motorcycle with the generator money" I tell him
"Hm." He says and walks away
"Hm" I repeat

"Stella come on!" Topper yells grabbing my hand leading me into the roof of the boat
"Topper where are we going! Are you crazy?!" I yell
"Hey everyone!!" Topper yells to all the people
"Jump! Jump! Jump!" They chant as the pool was right under us
"Alright you trust me?" Topper asks
"What?" I ask
"Do you trust me?" He asks again
"What are you talking-" I start to say but he picks me up bridal style
"Topper what are you doing! Put me down!" I yell
I let out a scream as he jumps down into the pool with me in his arms
I swim back up to the top laughing
"Are you crazy?" I laugh splashing him with water
"Can you believe this girl right here? The coolest chick in the OBX! That's what I'm talkin' about!" Topper yells as people cheer

Topper brought me back up to the roof alone looking up at the stars
"You see? Right there is the Big Dipper." Topper says pointing into the sky.
"Right?" He asks
"No." I move his hand
"That's it" I say
"Right..." Topper trails off
"Right... Yep" I tell him
"Okay" Topper says
"And then those two stars in the scoop point..." I start to say
"To the North Star right?" Topper asks
"Yeah. It's the only star that doesn't move.
Everything else spins around that" I explain to him smiling remembering all the times my dad would tell me all about stars
"I love that you think about things like that." Topper says
"Well my dad told me all about it" I smile
Topper smiles then looks at me
"I love you" he says then try's to kiss me
"Topper no" I mumble backing up but he keeps moving towards me
"Topper stop!" I raise my voice and he stops
"What I just- I just thought" he starts to say
"No ugh topper no. Don't get mad please just-" I start to say
"No no I'm not mad. I just I thought. You were all happy with me today so I just thought-" he starts to say
"So because I'm happy that means I want to kiss you?" I ask him
"Well I just- our family's-" he starts to say
"I don't give a damn what our family's say! If I don't want to kiss you I'm not going to kiss you!" I tell him
"Ugh I can't I'm leaving" I tell him getting up

"Sarah I'm leaving" I tell her
"Alright I'm coming" she says seeing my face
"You don't have to come I just wanted to tell you" I tell her
"No I can tell something's up so I'm coming with you so you can spill" she tells me
"Thank you" I smile

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