~𝒪𝓊𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈~
I never knew it could feel so good to be somebody's Star
John b x OC
Cover made by @disney_fanatic36
Season 1- ✅
Season 2- ✅
Season 3- ✅
Season 4- ✅
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When I round the corner I hear my dad on the phone. "Was he in the house? He wasn't in the house was he? Let me see his face. Put the camera on his face." I hear my dad say "Hold his head up." The man says I run over to the control box and turn on the sprinklers. I hear the security guards' yell in confusion. "What the hell?" They yell "Hey!" They yell "Hurry up! Get those sprinklers off!" One guy says and I hide as he comes towards me "Is it off?" He asks "Yeah." The guy yells "Why'd the sprinklers go off?" He asks "Ah! I don't know. Okay." The man tells him "All right stay alert." They say
I grab a bottle of bug spray before walking out "What is going on?" I ask "Who are you?" A guy says holding his gun towards me "Hey hold it right there." He says "I'm Val. I'm house-sitting for the Camerons." I tell them with my hands up "You live here?" a guard asks me "No I'm house-sitting. I just started a week ago" I tell him "We caught this guy trying to break in" the guard says "What? Oh I know him. He cleans boats for the neighbors." I tell them "Which neighbors?" the guard asks me "Like the Stanleys. Down the street" I tell him "What's his name?" the guard asks me "Vlad." I say then spray the guard in the face John B tackles one of them and I spray the rest. "Stella come on! Go to the car." John b says I jump in the back the truck and John B jumps in the driver's seat. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" I yell at him "I'm going. I'm going" John B says "Faster!" I yell as the guard was catching up. "Oh God." I mumble as the guard grabs my leg. "No! Get off me!" I yell "Come here!" He yells "Oh shit" John B says "No. No!" I yell as I kick him The guard finally lets go falling to the ground. "Star you good?" John B asks me "Just drive!" I yell
Once we're back in town he pulls over and we both get out "Okay. I have never loved you more Stella Cameron. That was crazy. You straight up donkey-kicked that dude..." he says walking up to me "You lied to me." I say shoving him "What are you talking about? We're fine." He says "Fine?! No we're not fine! You lost the only money we had! You almost got us both caught if not shot!" I say shoving him again. "How is that okay?" I ask him "I... I... I... I'm proactively admitting I screwed up and willing..." John B starts to say "Proactively admitting doesn't do anything. I have lost my father. I have lost my mother. I have lost my brother. I have lost both my sisters. I can't lose you." I tell him "Look it won't happen again" John b tells me "I'm calling the shots now. And to start I'm driving." I tell him walking to the car "You know how to drive a stick shift?" He asks me "Get in the car or I'm going to take you to the cops myself" I tell him "Yep. Okay. Got it" he mumbles getting in the car
"Okay this is arguably the worst idea we have ever had" John B tells me as we drive up to the docks "Look what the cat done dragged in" Terrance laughs as we walk up to them "I have a proposition" I say "If it involves giving you that rock back that nugget forget it. You're lucky I'm not on the phone with the cops right now." Terrance tells me "I'm not worried about that because you saw what was in that safe did you not?" I tell him "Yeah I did." He says "And it was exactly what we told you it was gonna be. Right?" I ask him He doesn't say anything not wanting to say we were right "Yeah well that thing's locked down tighter than a clamshell now" Cleo says "No shit. But the gold's not staying there. My dad's gonna come down and move it. He'll have to." I tell them "So what are you proposing a Brink's job?" Terrance asks me "Think about it. You have a boat that can get us away. You know people and the island and I can find out exactly when that gold is moving. And I'll give you two million." I tell him "So let me get this straight. We take the risk of going to jail and getting shot for a fraction of what's in that safe" Terrance asks "After you abandoned us? Stole my boat?" I ask him "I don't owe you shit. But I'll give you ten." I say "Ten million a piece" Cleo saus "I like that. Ten apiece." Terrance says "A piece? Okay. You know what? We're getting..." john b starts to say "JB." I say and he stops talking "Ten million a piece." I agree "Ten million dollars. We're just throwing money away" John B says "You have yourself a deal sweetheart." He says as I shake his hand
I call wheezie a few times and she finally picks up "Stop calling me spam" Wheezie says "Wheezie?" I ask "Who is this?" Wheezie asks "Hi it's me" I say "Me who?" Wheezie asks me "It's me. Are you dumb?" I ask her "Really funny sick joke." She says "It's me! If it wasn't me how would I know that you pissed yourself in gym class in the fourth grade? Hi." I tell her "Wait. No way! Wait. Is it really you? Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" She says "Shhh shh" I tell her and she stops talking "Hey I need you to keep this on the down-low okay?" I ask her "Yeah. No no no no no. Yeah. Yeah. Totally totally. I'm... I'm... I'm in my room. I'm good. It's okay. This is the single happiest moment..." she says "Now is anybody around? I don't want anyone to hear. I have a really big favor to ask. Have you heard Dad talk about what Gavin flew to Paradise Island?" I ask her "Yeah. I heard him talking to Rose the other day" Wheezie says "He said he has to fly out to Nassau to meet with some bankers. It sounded urgent. Oh and he said something about vault services and transport." She tells me "Oh my God. I need you to find out exactly when that meeting is." I tell her "Yeah. Of course. I can't believe you're alive. I love you Stella." She says making me smile "I love you too Wheeze" I say Wheezie sends me the details and I walk back to the group "We're on" I tell them "Okay. I guess we're doing this. I mean armed robbery. I mean I'm cool with it but are you sure?" John b asks me "My entire life Ward has always gotten what he's wanted. Everyone jumps for him. And I thought it was respect but now I realize that's fear. And John B....You know the one person who never jumped for him was your dad. He wasn't like anyone I had ever met because he wasn't scared of my dad. This is for him and Sheriff Pete and you and me. Us against the world" I smile "Is against the world" John b smiles