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Felix woke up around an hour later by his phone once again buzzing, this time not the insane groupchat he got added to but actually his alarm that had woken him up, annoying him.

His eyes felt like rocks as they were tearing the whole time, his head hurted from all the screentime he'd got the hours or so earlier and especially when he had just woken up back then, in a pitch black room.

He rolled out of bed and shuffled towards his closet with his eyes still closed halfly, rubbing them cutely with tiny fists as he then sighed and stood infront of the small dresser of his dorm room, looking at it in the hope the thing would magically open up by itself.

But it didn't.


Damned hoes... Who decides to spam a whole groupchat in the middle of the night... Especially when I already had so much shit in my head...

"Felix! Get the fuck up!" A male yelled from the other side of the wall, making the younger groan in annoyance, fastly grabbing a way to big hoodie and some baggy jeans, along with his sneakers underneath them.

"Coming... asshole." Felix said and muttered the last word, then went to sit at his desk where there were laid a few make up products along with a mirror.

"Fucking hell..." He mumbled out under his breath as he saw how tired he looked, fastly taking some concealer to hide the dark circles around his eyes, and of course to cover up his freckles since he didn't want to lure attention.

Guess this will have to do...

He then laid back down in his bed and started scrolling on tiktok, watching some funny and cute cat videos. Fastly around half an hour passed, with totally ignoring the yells from his roommate as he stood up and made his bag, followed by walking out of his room and fastly taking a banana.

He ripped the peel off of the poor yellow thing and began eating the fruit, meanwhile still scrolling on tiktok for some stuff that could maybe make his day, but probably won't since it was already ruined.

He fastly sprayed some strawberry scented body mist on to compliment his own scent, then taking a small pill that would calm his pheromones down.

And, instead of looking for hope, he left his dorm and walked towards school with his bag over his shoulder like a real baddie.

[I had to]

Once he got at the prison, he immediately went towards his class, which was English, and sat down at the last row in the corner.

As time went by, a few more kids came into the door, all laughing and giggling, some on their phones and most of them just talking with their friends.

Felix was never like this tho.

He had no friends, no one that talked to him or even someone that had ever worked with him during his 2 months on the university.

He was a real loner. People never thought he was weird or some shit, he was just very on his own and always skipped everyone if they actually talked to him or tried to get to know him, mostly those pick me girls with short skirts that giggled troughout the whole class like some damn dolphins.


But then, the student came in he was waiting for all along.

Finally, he thought, keeping his eyes on the tall figure that passed his seat, not even giving him a small glance.


The Hwang Hyunjin...

And as much as Felix tried to deny his overly obsessed feelings towards the elder, he couldn't. Something about that guy was breathtaking... The way his body rolled so smoothly like butter in a pan whenever Felix watched him trough the mirror of the dancing class, or his his eyes could make the younger drown in them forever, like deep black oceans.

And then those veins on his arms, how good they would look if he would just legit choke me.

Would he... If I asked very nicely....?

"Felix!" Someone loudly interupted, making him snap out of his droolmaking thoughts and pull his head up, looking at the old teacher who was standing in the front with the typical pregnant woman pose, her hand pushed into her side as her hip was clearly not positioned humanly.

"Don't be daydreaming for so long. It's not good for you." The teacher said and sighed, returning to his own desk at the front.

The fuck do you mean, that was the perfect image for my mental health you bastard.

Soon the hour passed of just listening to Felix's first language, which was a class where the young boy just had to lay down and do absolutely nothing.

But now, dance class.

He was mentally preparing himself as he walked towards the gym and dance room, minding his own business when suddenly someone hopped besides him.

"Hi." The tall male said as Felix sighed and shook his head slightly, but then looked up and stopped in his tracks.

Fucking Hyunjin.

"Hi...?" Felix said and tilted his head slightly, making the older let out a soft chuckle with the prettiest smile ever.

"So... The teacher sent an email yesterday night, saying we had to have partners for the upcoming dance practises right?" Hyunjin asked as Felix frowned and followed the boy again, who had again started walking.

"Well... I don't know. I didn't really open my email yesterday. Why?" Felix said and looked up at the older male, once again tilting his head slightly.

"So... Do you wanna be partners? I know it'll be something as an actual duo and i've seen you dance, even outside of the school hours and you're like fucking amazing. And you're easy to pick up anyways because of your... Height. You're short." Hyunjin smiled and giggled softly when he got a dangerous glare from Felix, who had not taken the comment as a compliment.

"Not like your height is much better right? Did you slam your head against some door cuz you couldn't see it or something?" Felix said in a sassy tone and scoffed loudly, skipping the older male who just scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"No... It wasn't meant as an insult or something..." Hyunjin mumbled and sighed, yet earning a short response from the younger boy.

"Fine mister giraffe. I'll be your partner." 


blub blub

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