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here ya go ig-


I've written absolutely nothing sooooooo yeah



"You don't fucking understand Chan! That fucker has been torturing him his whole child hood, as well as emotionally, mentally, physically, verbally, you call it out! You guys are insane! Just because you think you're some big though alpha, you think you can just save Felix from that garbage! He starts fucking crying and panicking whenever he sees a motherfucking drop of water, and you want to send him back?! Good, but then i'm going with him, and if anything happens to him, it's your fault. All of you!" Jisung angrily yelled, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he yelled out his thoughts.

He had managed to get Felix into bed for a quick nap, but Chan had other plans, talking.

"First of all, you don't fucking use your language to me like that. Understood?! You're a beta, so you better keep that mouth shut of yours." Chan gritted through his teeth, his eyes flashing a crimson red as Jisung scoffed, shaking his head.

"So now we're at that level? Huh? Discriminating me because i'm just a fucking beta? I never wanted to be a beta Chan, I never asked for it okay?! But I do want a mate who's safe, and not in the hands of a psychopath! And you are just giving him to that bastard! Don't your oh so damned alpha instincts want to protect Felix? And even so, alpha, or not, beta or not, you should learn some damned respect! Not me! It's not because your an alpha, that you are the highest rank! I never wanted to be a beta! Jeongin didn't want it either, but you know? You keep fucking using that shit. I'm done with it. I want to protect Felix, and be there for him. Not discriminate him for being an omega, like some of you like to do. And if you now excuse me, i'll be going. I'm just a beta after all. And since your damned alpha instincts won't work, i'll try to comfort and protect Felix." Jisung said, a few stray tears falling down his cheeks. The 5 other males looked sadly at Jisung from the couch, Chan trying his best to stop the beta from going upstairs.

"Baby you know I didn't mean that, just stupid alpha instincts!" Chan fastly tried to cover himself, but failed when Jisung swatted his arm away.

"Then use those fucking instincts to protect Felix! You guys are insane! All of you! He's been through one hell of a life and he hasn't even told me everything, yet y'all wanna sent him back! Fuck off, all of you!" The beta yelled and turned around, but abruptly stopped when he saw a tired looking Felix behind him, standing in the doorway.

The omega was rubbing his eyes with his small kitten fists, holding his small elephant stuffy as well. A small pout was visible on his lips, making him look ten times cuter than he already is.

"Hi baby boy, why are you up hm?" Jisung asked, secretly wiping away his fresh tears as he went over to the younger. Felix gently wrapped his arms around the beta and snuggled his face in his neck, standing on his tippy toes.

"It was loud." Felix slurred out, his voice not much louder than a whisper. Jisung softly hummed and caressed his head, letting his hands rub the soft skin under his hoodie.

"I'm sorry baby. Could you go back to the room for a bit? Wait for Sungie?" Jisung asked, cupping the younger's cheeks, who pouted but still nodded.

"I'll come with you ri-" Jisung tried to speak but got cut off by a low growl of Chan, who stepped closer. "We aren't done yet, so no. You'll stay here." The alpha growled towards Jisung, who could only send him glares. The beta turned around and saw how Felix was clearly panicking, tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked at Chan in shock and fear, his body moving backwards.

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