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Bro y'all didn't remind me a single time about the photos-



EDIT: (where it goes '---' it will go back from when Felix stepped in the van)

also- trigger warning ig- 

2 meters is +- 6'5 feet



Jisung's eyes slowly peered open at the sound of rustling and voices next door, a small whine leaving his mouth. He let out a soft hum, turning his body towards the beta who was snuggled up against his side, wrapping his arms around the male.

He snuggles his nose in the small nest of Jeongin's fluffy hair, inhaling the sweet vanilla scent the younger always used. He then once again heard talking from the living room, deciding to go take a look. 

Slowly making his way out of Jeongin's warm embrace, Jisung got up and pulled the blanket over the younger's body again, lightly shivering himself at the chilly night air kicking in. He tip toed towards the door, where a yellow dim light came from underneath. He slowly opened the door and peeked his head outside, flinching a bit as the light hit his eyes. He opened the door wider, making sure not to wake Jeongin, and then stepped outside, going over to the voices talking in the kitchen.

"Okay... He's near Clyde river, so the ride would be about 4 hours... We have to pass Belowla Creek track, and then go into the woods, there is where his location is..." Chan's voice softly spoke, clearly with the intention not to wake his mates. Jisung slowly creeped up behind him and wrapped his arms around his mate, letting his sleepy self take over as he then rested his head on the alpha's broad shoulders, humming in approval.

"Hi there baby. What are you doing up hm?" Chan's soft voice asked, Jisung shrugging his shoulders gently. "I don't know... I woke up and heard you guys talking... Do you know anything about Lix?" Jisung asked, this time looking up with tired eyes at Chan's face, leaning a bit around his body to get a look of it.

"We... we did. His father isn't who we think he is... He has caused several deaths, drugs and abuse in the underground networks, child trafficking and much worse... He is very powerful and has bought over a lot of undercover work in the police parts here, so we have to be extra careful by picking out who will help with this, and who won't." Chan explained as clear as possible, Jisung humming as his arms slowly removed themselves from the older's waist, his gaze falling to the ground.

"S-so... Felix... Is he safe? What if... What if his father..." Jisung's voice slightly trailed off, his teeth catching his bottom lip as he started chewing on it. Chan turned around and cupped the beta's cheeks, his lips placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I know baby boy... We will try to get there as fast as possible, okay? We'll wish for the best... Don't think bad, yeah sweetheart? I know it's scary, i'm scared too. I've been awake these past days, thinking why Felix couldn't have just stayed, why his father is like that, and mainly, why he ran off from us. I thought it was all because of me, and maybe it is. But I'm trying to think about a good part, even though there isn't any... Do you understand that love?" The oldest explained, Jisung sniffling as he nodded. Chan smiled softly and placed another soft kiss on his lips this time, pulling the male into his warm embrace.

"Me and the others will drive there tomorrow, but since it will be a busy day we're going at the evening. Everything will be alright... I promise." Chan softly spoke, Jisung shaking his head. "Channie... I want to come. I need to come. I-"

"Love, no. I don't want you even a damned house next to that one okay? It will be dangerous, and I can't imagine losing any of you, understood?" The alpha interrupted, Jisung still shaking his head. "I don't care. What if Lix starts to panic? Or maybe you need someone, or he doesn't trust you guys enough? Me and Innie are the only ones who have actually bonded with him. He has told us a lot of things, we've bathed him, we've cuddled him, we've loved him and showed him how to love. What if he gets scared again? Like the time you growled? Or even your pheromones that will spike up because of the stress and madness? Me and Innie are the only ones who could possibly calm him down Channie.... Please..." Jisung begged, his hands clasped together in praying style.

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