32[rejected bite]32

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mhm mhm

meh meh meh



Throughout the whole car ride, Felix slept peacefully in Jisung's arms. He once in a while flinched at a noise or whimpered and whined in his sleep, but other than that, he was basically looking like nothing had happened at all.

Chan called the oldest beta and told him they would visit the hospital right away, but both Jisung and Jeongin insisted they couldn't, especially not in the state Felix was in.


The sun was setting slowly, the warmth radiating through the van. Jisung had laid Felix's head on his lap, still holding the omega tightly.

Felix stirred in his sleep, a short yet pained whine following. He let out a sob as his hand reached towards his neck again, where Jisung slowly pulled the blanket down in confusion, cursing when he saw the rejected matings bite on the younger's pale skin. Jeongin was paying attention to the road and didn't notice Jisung cursing so much, which the beta also tried to hide, not wanting to scare his mate.

Jisung held Felix's hand tightly, his fingers gently stroking the omega's hair in an attempt to calm him down. Felix whined softly, his breathing irregular. "It hurts," he whispered weakly, his eyes half-closed. The spot on his neck where the rejected mate bite was, was a painful looking blue and purple mixed, the skin around it swollen and irritated.

"We're almost there, baby. Hyung is right here with you as well." Jisung said softly, his voice filled with concern and compassion. "You're safe with us."

Jeongin sent a quick glance in the back mirror, his eyes full of concern. "How is he doing?" he asked, his voice lingering with a hint of sadness.

"Not good." Jisung replied, pulling Felix even closer to him. "We need to get to Chan's house soon, I have no idea what this bite can do or does, so we have to be careful.."

Chan was behind the wheel of the second car, Seungmin next to him in the passenger seat and Minho in the back seat. The oldest's  eyes were fixated on the road ahead of him, his knuckles white from squeezing the steering wheel hard.

"We have to make sure we get Felix the proper care as soon as possible," Chan said, his voice determined. "My parents know what to do. Jeongin and Jisung won't follow if we drive to the hospital, so we'll have to fix something at home..."

Seungmin nodded. "We have no time to waste. Felix is in a lot of pain..." He spoke while Minho leaned forward, his gaze serious. "I'm gonna fucking kill his father." The second oldest muttered, Chan sighing softly.

In the third car, Chan's father was behind the wheel, his face serious. Changbin sat beside him, his body tense and alert. Hyunjin, in the back seat, looked out the window restlessly. 

"How the fuck can someone do this to their own pup." The dancer gritted through his teeth, his fists groping the thick and sad air around him.

"Jin, calm down." Changbin spoke up, glaring at his mate in the mirror. Hyunjin just scoffed and let himself drop back into his seat, his tongue poking his cheek. "What now? Are you gonna support that fucker? Go on. Support a rapist, support an abuser, support a sadist, support a fucking worthless piece of absolute shit! What does it even matter anymore huh?!" Hyunjin snapped back, his voice filled with disgust and hate.

"You don't know what it looked like inside, you don't know what happened, you don't know anything. So shut up and listen carefully. I fucking love you, but please stop acting like a goddamn child and be mature for once, because Lix will need it. We can't afford a grumpy and sour smelling alpha when he just fucking drowned in that smell. Understood?" Changbin said in a stern tone, Hyunjin sighing as he rolled his eyes.

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