24[finding Yongbok]24

842 47 34

LOOK, sorry not sorry for the title... hehe

anygays enjoy ig? (this is so short... *sigh* I literally hate it)

AND how can this... shit... can have as much views, comments and even votes as something I worked on for a whole year . . . ;-;

flabbergasted y'all *sigh* (again)




"Hi Little One." Chan's voice softly spoke, making Felix snap out of his trance. He looked to the side and saw the alpha gently smiling at him, his dimples being shown clearly.

"You like sitting with Minho?" Chan asked, Felix looking up at the smirking alpha he was just so touchy with. He gave a simple nod towards Chan and hid his face back in the older's neck, not noticing how the whole table was in pure awe.

"And by the way, I still have your phone. You forgot it downstairs last week hm." The oldest softly spoke, taking one of Felix's small hands in his own, softly caressing it.

"What do you mean last week?" The omega asked softly, changing to lay his head on Minho's other shoulder, now looking at Chan with a confused frown.

"Pup, after that day where you took a bath, you practically passed out from the pain. You only woke up a few times hm? Do you remember?" The alpha explained, Felix softly nodding. "Was that a whole week though...? I thought it was maybe a few days..." Felix mumbled, a confused little pout forming on his lips.

"I mean, from sunday. It's now Friday, so almost a week yeah. Did you need to do anything? Or something important?" Chan asked, Felix nodding his head. He then took his phone and immediately felt his heart sink at how many missed notifications he got, but mainly, how many he got from his father.

Mr Lee

You better come back Lee Felix.

If you don't, I will make sure to send someone to come and get you.

Even if I have to assemble a damned army.

You will get back, before you present.

Did you present?

What did you present as.

Lee Felix

Answer your goddamn phone.

It's not important anymore.

I've found your location.

It's only a matter of time before you have to come out of that damned whorehouse.

And don't think I won't get my hands on you.

I will.

And you know what's following, so don't try to run.

Useless piece of garbage.

You really thought you could escape me.

Watch me.

Felix let out a soft whimper, immediately alerting all the alpha's. Chan looked questioning at Felix's phone and then a tear rolling down his cheek, another whimper, this time louder, leaving his mouth.

"Pup, what's wrong?"

"I- I fucked up... I fucked up really bad- he'll get me- he-" Felix's words were fastly cut off by Minho hugging him tightly, caressing his back and thighs. Chan took this as an opportunity to take the omega's phone and started reading whatever had made the boy so upset, the rest quietly surrounding behind him.

"Little One, don't worry about it. He won't get to you. We won't let that happen, ever, okay? We'll protect you, even if it's with out lives." Chan spoke, Felix just ignoring his words as he shook his head.

"You- You don't know him Channie... He- He will find me, and take me, he always does."

~•Horny Stranger Danger•~ [Felix x Skz]Where stories live. Discover now