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5.100 miles are =~= 8.300 kilometers

EDIT: bro this story has 10k views





Three days had passed and yet Felix wasn't seen anywhere. Three days of Jisung being absolutely pissed at Chan, three days of only crying and begging to God to give them their baby back, three days of absolutely no happiness.

And still something didn't fit Chan right.

"Baby can you give me that letter?" Chan's voice softly asked Minho, who nodded and left his room. He then came back and gave the older the paper, not before getting a peck on the lips.

"So... Why do you even want to do this? It's a letter Chan, not some sort of mechanism you can use to find his location or anything?" Minho said with a confused tone, Chan perking up in his chair.

"You're fucking amazing Min, grab your laptop and try to track his phone. I didn't find it anywhere so normally he has it with him." The oldest said as Minho nodded and once again left the room to go take his laptop, soon plopping down Chan's bed as he started typing on it.

"YongBok... Why would he use Yongbok? He hates it when we call him that yet he used that himself..." Chan muttered softly as his eyes kept roaming over the small paper in his hands, sighing.

"Well, it's his name after all. Maybe he... wanted to do something different? We're in Korea, and Yongbok is his Korean name." Minho shrugged, Chan humming with a frown.

"And the six of you... he knows we're with 7 right...?" The oldest mumbled before sighing loudly, hovering over his desk.

He took his phone and started typing on it, soon or later an exhausted looking Jisung came inside his room, tear streak clear on his puffy cheeks.

"What?" Jisung asked in a bored tone, leaning against the door frame with a bored and tired expression.

"Baby can you come here for a second?" Chan said and patted his thighs, Jisung sighing before he went towards the older. He stood in front of the older, the alpha taking his hips as he led them down to his lap.

"Are there any notes or binders from Felix here? Just anything with his handwriting?" Chan asked in a soft and calming tone, tilting his head to look at the beta's face. Jisung just laid his head on his alpha's shoulder and shrugged, Chan humming softly.

"Do you think you can ask one of your friends to go to his dorm and take his notes or anything like that? I think... I think Felix didn't write this letter love. The handwriting is not rushed, it's clean, and as if a normal Korean person wrote it. Even I can't write in such a good Korean, and he's not as familiar with it." Chan spoke, Jisung sitting straight on his lap again.

"You think... You think he didn't leave us himself?!" Jisung said, his eyes wide as all his hope was clearly heard in his voice.

"Look, first of all, we don't have this paper. Second of all, the color of the pen that's used to write the small apology isn't even the same color of this, hm?" Chan said, pointing towards the letter. "And thirdly, the handwriting of this," Pointing at the small 'I'm so sorry', "Isn't even close to the handwriting of this." Chan explained softly, Jisung nodding along.

"So... Someone else wrote it?" The beta asked softly, Chan nodding.

"I think so... I honestly haven't checked the security cameras properly, but I sent a message to the company, asking if I could get a clearer vision of the images. But for now it seems like Felix went towards a car, stepped in, took something with him and then returned. And only after a few minutes he came back out without anything in his hands, going back into the car. There were also 2 other cars, which were in front and behind the car Felix got in, and both of them got here with that middle car, as well as left with it." The alpha explained as Jisung softly sighed, rubbing his forehead.

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