36[home sweet home]36

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The chapter is 2700 words long... It will probs feel shorter cuz it's only a few scenes written out over a lot of text youknooo

But yeeeee


Felix was cuddled up against Chan's chest, his arms tucked between the both of them. He was under a blanket Chan had brought on the plane, giving him a source of comfort between all the noisy people on the airplane.

Chan had his arms wrapped around his omega tightly, stroking the younger's small body gently and in soothing ways.

"You tired Little One?" The alpha asked, softly whispering in Felix's ear. The omega just whined softly and shook his head, still letting his body lay lazily on Chan, who chuckled softly.

"M'not tired..." The omega mumbled, his eyes closed. His voice was not louder than a whisper, his small hand clutching Chan's shirt. The alpha didn't need much more than a simple shirt and shorts anyway, the omega on top of him kept him warm enough. Very much, warm enough.

Almost warm enough to make him think he was in a sunny hot summer day in Australia, playing soccer with his friends.

"Baby, aren't you a bit hot?" Chan asked, using one arm to wipe his forehead the other to caress Felix's cheek, wrapping his arm around his neck and head so he could comfortably lay his hand on his chin and jaw.

The omega just shook his head, nuzzling his face deeper into Chan's embrace.

Great... When i'm getting off this airplane people will think I pissed all over my body or something.

"Do you want me off...?" Felix then asked, his voice sounding sad. Chan fastly shook his head and made him look up, their eyes meeting. "No no pup, i'm just really hot right now." Chan explained, earning a soft giggle back, Felix blushing as he hid his face again.

"You're always hot Channie..." The omega giggled, Chan chuckling softly, watching him with wide eyes. "Eh... Well- I ehh... Thank you baby, but I meant hot as in... Warm." Chan chuckled softly, getting another shy blush from the omega.

"I know," Felix giggled, hiding his face even more. "But you're so warm... And soft... So fluffy." The omega whispered, rubbing his cheek against the alpha. Chan held in a squeal at how adorable his omega was, and acted cool, just keeping his arms around the happy younger.

"Sure Little one, sure..." Chan whispered, letting the omega do whatever made him comfortable. They then both heard a female voice speaking through the plane, asking everyone to sit tight and buckle their seatbelts, which Felix softly whined at.

"Just for a bit baby boy, once we're in the air you can sit in my lap again." Chan said, nuzzling his nose in Felix's neck. He slowly moved towards his scent gland, wanting to pick up every little bit of scent, but quickly got stopped when Felix flinched away and arched his neck with an uncomfortable looking expression, shuddering lightly after.

"Oh, i'm sorry baby. Was that not nice?" Chan asked with a little frown, but the omega just waved it off and crawled out of his lap, sitting in his own chair.

"Baby, tell me if something makes you uncomfortable hm? It's okay." Chan gently reassured him placing his hand on the younger's thigh, rubbing it softly.

"No, i'm sorry. I don't know why I did that." Felix spoke as he laid his head down on the alphas shoulder, then taking the older's hand. "It felt a bit weird. Not particularly bad, but just... Unfamiliar." The omega muttered, playing with Chan's fingers.

"It's alright puppy, i'm sorry." Chan spoke back, kissing the top of the omega's head, "I should have asked. But remember, always tell Channie or the other hyungs if something makes you uncomfortable okay Little One? It's all good." The alpha spoke in a soft and gentle tone, Felix nodding with a hum.

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