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When everyone was finally awake, it was close to noon. Jisung and Jeongin hadn't slept at all, the omega in between them waking up multiple times through the night, from both his pain and nightmares bothering him.

Jisung carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb Felix. He stretched his tired muscles and glanced back at the omega, who was still sleeping. Jeongin stirred beside Felix, his eyes opening slowly as he noticed Jisung getting up.

"How is he?" Jeongin asked quietly, his voice low to avoid waking Felix.

"Still hurting..." Jisung replied, his brows furrowed with concern. "But I think he got a bit more rest towards the morning."

Jeongin nodded, carefully brushing a hand through Felix's hair. "We should let him sleep a bit longer. I'll go check with Chan's mom and see if there's anything else we can do."

Jisung agreed, heading downstairs to find Ms. Bang. The house was quiet, the alphas and betas all moving around with a shared sense of purpose and worry. Chan's mother was in the kitchen, preparing some herbal tea and a light broth for Felix.

"Good morning, Jisung," she greeted him with a warm smile, though her eyes reflected the same concern he felt. "How's Felix doing?"

"Still in pain," Jisung replied, accepting the cup of tea she handed him. "But he's sleeping now. Jeongin's with him."

Ms. Bang nodded, her expression making clear she was thinking. "That's good. Rest is important for his healing. I've prepared some tea and broth for him. It should help with the fever and soothe his stomach."

Jisung took a deep breath, feeling a bit more hopeful. "Thank you. We'll make sure he gets it as soon as he wakes up."

Meanwhile, upstairs, Jeongin continued to sit with Felix, gently holding his hand. The omega's breathing was still a bit unsteady, but he seemed to relax a bit more with each passing minute. Jeongin whispered soft reassurances, his voice a calming presence to the sleeping male.

"You're doing great, Felix. Just rest and let us take care of you."

Felix's eyes slowly fluttered open, a small whine coming from his lips. His face scrunched up in discomfort as Jeongin kept caressing his hair, leaning on one elbow as his other arm worked on calming the younger down. "Innie..." Felix whimpered out, his eyes slowly opening as he saw the smiling beta. "Innie's here love, Innie is right here."

"Sungie..." Felix whimpered again, Jeongin smiling a bit as he looked at the door, just then Jisung coming in carrying a plate. "Hi baby boy. How are you feeling?" Jisung asked, happy to see Felix awake. He didn't want to see the pain in the younger's eyes, but knowing he's awake made im relax just a little.

"Hurts..." Felix spoke, a clear pout visible on his lips. Jisung came closer and caressed the pout away, pressing a soft kiss on the omega's nose. "I have some medicine and broth for you okay? I know it hurts..." Jisung spoke, Felix nodding as he sat up with the help of both the omegas.

This way a few days had passed, Felix's condition getting a bit better by day. Chan insisted on only leaving when Felix was totally healed physically, not wanting the younger to feel overwhelmed by the 11 hour flight.

There was only one problem, Chan nor Felix had the omega's passport, and neither of them knew where it could've been.

They were all in a van, Felix sitting at the very back on the right, Jisung next to him in the middle, Jeongin next to Jisung. Minho was seated in front of Felix, next to him sat Seungmin, and in the middle was a small gap. Chan was driving, and Changbin was sitting in the passenger seat, leaving Hyunjin to sit in the one person seat near the front.

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