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I hate this chapterrrrrrrr but whateverrrrrrrrr



Not trying to make anyone worried, Chan and Minho didn't the rest about Felix's father. As the van drove away from Felix's old home, everyone was quiet. Felix sat between Jisung and Jeongin, feeling tired but safe. He was glad to be with people who cared for him.

Jisung put his arm around Felix, giving him comfort. Jeongin held Felix's hand, squeezing it gently whenever Felix seemed sad, which was almost the whole car ride. Chan looked in the mirror and smiled at Felix before focusing back on the road, the omega's eyes getting heavier and heavier until he closed them, drifting off to sleep. Chan and Minho shared a look, knowing they needed to make Felix feel safe and loved.

The drive felt long, but they finally arrived at Chan's house. Everyone moved quickly to get Felix's things and put them inside. Chan carried Felix inside and set him down on the couch, covering him with a soft blanket, not forgetting to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. Felix softly stirred in his sleep as a whine escaped his lips, his body stretching like a small cat.

"We're home pup." Chan said softly, brushing Felix's hair away from his face. Felix smiled a little, feeling grateful and relieved they were away from that horrible place, full of bad memories.

Jisung and Jeongin sat on either side of Felix, holding his hands. Minho, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Changbin joined them, making a circle around Felix. The room felt peaceful and safe.

"Let's cuddle a bit hm?" Jisung said, pulling Felix closer. Jeongin did the same, resting his head against Felix's as the omega nodded, closing his eyes.

Chan and Minho brought pillows and more blankets, making a cozy spot on the couch. Hyunjin dimmed the lights, and Seungmin played some soft music. Felix's exhausted expression changed  a bit as he let out a soft whimper, relaying the pillows and blankets around him, wanting to make it perfect. 

"Baby what's wrong?" Jisung asked gently, stroking Felix's cheek. The omega just let out a frustrated huff and kept fumbling with the pillows in his hands, Chan smiling softly. "I think he wants to nest, but because of being so close to a sub drop he's probably feeling a bit woozy about the omega stuff..." The oldest explained, Jisung nodding as he caressed the back of Felix's head, combing his hair out. 

"Do you want me to help you baby boy?" Jisung asked, Felix whimpering loudly as he frustratedly slammed the pillow on his lap, hiding his face in Jisung's shoulder. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's all alright. Take your time, lay everything how you're comfortable with it okay?" Jisung smiled, cupping both sides of Felix's face. The omega sighed and nodded with a sniffle, slowly turning around to look at the surroundings. 

He took a few pillows and relaid them, then a few blankets and made sure all of the alpha's as well as the betas were covered up totally, wanting no one to feel left out. He was already on his legs as he walked a bit around the couch from making his comfortable little nest, as he then each passed all of the alpha's and patted them cutely on their head after covering them up with a blanket, giving them all a short hug before returning to his spot. 

Jisung and Jeongin were both squealing and giggling at their adorable omega, opening their arms wide open to let him snuffle close to the two of them.

Soon enough Felix was already deep in his sleep, feeling exhausted both mentally and physically, and also the healing of the events the days before. 

"We're lucky he's nesting already... Omega's only do that when they're really comfortable with people, and the fact he's been through so much and still makes such an adorable nest is a wonder.." Jeongin explained, everyone humming and nodding. "We're lucky to have this baby boy..." Jisung responded, playing with the omega's hair.

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