16[tips and tricks]16

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I just realized how short this chapter is... Like it's actually SHORT-

anyways here you go my angel<333


anything to make my sweet angel smile<33

have fun!!!!!



"Jisungie... I'm feeling tired..." Felix softly spoke, rubbing his eyes softly as the beta hummed. "Yes baby? You can take a nap if you want? Or do you want anyone else to cuddle with?" Jisung asked, but Felix only shook his head.

"I don't want to sleep... But I have been feeling so tired out of nowhere these past days..." Felix said, a clear pout on his lips as he looked up at Jisung, not liking the way he had been feeling.

"Channie knows an omega who he has been texting with for information about them, do you want to ask him? Maybe it's something with presenting hm?" Jisung asked, Felix frowning even more.

"I'm not an omega..." Felix said, Jisung sighing and nodding. "I know... I'm sorry baby... But still, we could always ask hm?" Jisung replied, Felix nodding slowly.

"I'll go ask him." Jisung said as he placed the boy down, making his way upstairs.

Felix just scooted all the way to the side of the couch, his hands in between his thighs as he lifted his shoulders a bit, trying to look as small as possible.

"You're welcome to join one of our laps Little One." Changbin softly said, making Felix smile lightly and shake his head, kindly rejecting the offer.

"I-I'm alrighty..." He softly spoke and got a small smile from Changbin, who nodded and went back to his phone. "So... You're turning 18 in 4 days hm?" Hyunjin said as he got closer to the boy, who only raised his shoulders in a protective way more and nodded, not daring to look up at his eyes.

"Then you'll be a big boy hm?" Hyunjin teased, Felix looking up with a visible frown and head tilt. "I guess..." He mumbled, unsure of the weird statement.

"Do you want to sit on my lap princess? You're tense and scared, but you don't have to be." Hyunjin simply said, Felix biting his lip as he once again shook his head. "Hyunjin! Leave my baby alone!" Jisung yelled from the stairs, Hyunjin letting out a loud whine as he let himself plop down right infront of Felix, his head leaning against his legs.

"I want cuddles! And he smells so good! But he doesn't wanna give me!" Hyunjin whined loudly, huffing and puffing when Jisung just rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Felix mumbled softly, Jisung jumping in the couch next to him. "Don't be, he's a whiner. I don't even know how he could be an alpha actually..." Jisung said, his voice trailing off as he looked at the pouting Hyunjin.

"He's clingy, just lay your hand on his head and he'll stop bothering you." Jisung said in a bored tone, like he'd been trough it himself for way to many times.

Hyunjin grinned softly and took Felix's legs, laying them on his chest so he was now in between them instead of against. He held the younger's legs like he was sitting in a rollercoaster. Felix slowly laid his hands on Hyunjin's head and started moving his small fingers, making the elder croon softly.

Felix looked at Jisung with wide eyes  at the soft sound that left Hyunjin's throat and tilted his head. "Can you do that again...?" Felix asked softly, this time Hyunjin crooning even louder and- clearer with a happy and proud smile.

"He's crooning baby, it's like purring, but with alpha's. Do you like it?" Jisung asked with a small smile, Felix nodding softly. "It's.. weird... It's like... almost comforting in a way..." Felix mumbled softly, this time Hyunjin crooning in response.

"Adorable... Well, anyways. So Channie texted that woman I told you about earlier right? Well, she says that tiredness just before presenting is a very common thing, but mostly only with omegas. Another way to know what you could possibly present is your belly that's hurting, bloating or cramping etcetera. And when you feel like your lower abdomen are tingling or burning, but that's mostly closer to when you present. And lastly, something a lot of people don't know since it's lowkey forbidden to check that and know what you'll present, is the small heats or ruts as a teenager. If you slicked trough your monthly needings, then you're an omega. No discussion possible."

Jisung looked at Felix with a small smile, the younger just nodding as he let everything sink in for a moment. "So, have you slicked trough your monthly needings?" Jisung asked, Felix biting his lip. "It's when... Slick comes out of your, you know, not the front but the back..." Jisung asked, Felix widening his eyes as he shook his head.


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