22[fourth cat]22

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I have nothing to say



"Fuck... That's not good... That's really not good..." Felix muttered, his eyes still full of concern as Jisung calmed him down, whispering sweet words in his ear.

"Let's get you done and then we'll worry about that okay baby boy? Don't worry about it. It's all good." The beta spoke and placed a soft kiss on Felix's shoulder, the younger nodding.

Felix then fastly washed his face and had some troubles cleaning it off, but managed anyways. Both of the overprotective betas then turned around so he could get out of the tub, wrapping a heated towel around his pale body.

They had laid his clothes and towel on the heater, which the youngest soon was leaning against to. He closed his eyes as the sleepyness took him over, the betas softly chuckling at the cute behavior.

The pain of his lower tummy had also calmed down a bit, the heat of both the bath and the heater afterwards doing him wonders. He stepped into his underwear after whining and pouting a bit of having to step away from the heater, but managed when the two olders convinced him he'd get as much warm cuddles as he wanted.

The worrying thoughts of the two seeing his body was also basically faded, he let Jisung hold his towel around his torso as he stepped into his underwear, then clutching the ends of the fabric again when the first part was done.

Jeongin had slipped a thick and way to big hoodie over his head, which easily could cover his knees if it wasn't for him holding it up by wrapping his arms over his body, hugging himself.

He had even declined shorts from the betas, feeling amazing in just his underwear and hoodie alone.

What he did mind was the white and thick liquid basically running down his inner thighs non stop, feeling extremely embarrassed by it. Jisung had wiped it away and told him it was okay, and totally normal for him to produce that stuff.

Jeongin had taken a towel again to lay it underneath Felix's lower part, especially now he actually started slicking. He felt frustrated and annoyed that the white and sticky stuff was just pooling out of him, especially how it felt after drenching his underwear.

"This is so stupid." Felix softly whined, Jeongin and Jisung both caressing his waist and belly from both sides. They each placed a gentle peck on the side of Felix's face and immediately another wave of white substance dripped down on the towel, Felix whining once again.

"Is it ever gonna stop?" He asked, Jisung and Jeongin softly humming as they nodded.

"Yes baby, it will. Right now your body thinks it's getting ready for a pup, but it's not. It's forming a uterus. This could last a few weeks, but the actual pain of your body... rearranging your guts is only a week. That's why you'll also feel hurt in your chest, or feel extremely protective about fellow omegas or children." Jeongin explained, holding himself up with one arm bended as his head rested on his hand.

"But baby... You never told me you had such a beautiful freckles..." The beta smiled brightly, letting his slender hand caress over the younger's cheeks. The male's freckles were now covered in a crimson blush, a small and shy smile plastered on his face.

"They're not... Everyone says they're ugly, so you can't lie! I have to cover them up again though..." Felix mumbled, Jeongin and Jisung dramatically gasping. "Hell no! You ain't covering those little cute stars up! And whoever told you those weren't pretty, is wrong! They're just jealous!" Jisung said, Felix letting out a soft and shy whine.

Suddenly a soft knock was heard from the door, both the betas saying a loud yes as Felix just hid his face in his hoodie paws, the door slowly opening.

"Hi my babies. How are you doing?" Chan asked, a soft smile clearly on his face. He couldn't help but frown and look at the hiding boy in the middle of the bed when he finally breathed in for a moment, his alpha instincts spiking up.

~•Horny Stranger Danger•~ [Felix x Skz]Where stories live. Discover now