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@Lolfelix23 and @StarmyStayArmy were threatening me😔


The beta and alpha looked at each other in pure fear and shock, as well as the other alpha's who were sitting in the couch, looking around with a confused face yet looking very worried.

Jisung was the first one to sprint upstairs, skipping stairs each one he went up, he ran into the room, stopping with wide eyes as Chan bumped into him from behind.

He stood with wide eyes, until another whimper, this time louder, came from Felix's mouth.

The boy was crouched down on the ground, holding his stomach as his whole body leaned over it. By his soft and pained whimpers he let out, Chan pushed Jisung out of the way as gentle but fast as he could and crouch down next to the boy, as he immediately stopped when a strong scent waved over him.


Strong strawberry.

Attractive strawberry.

"It hurts..." Felix cried out as a soft and heartbreaking sob followed, Jisung and Chan immediately hovering over the boy, caressing his hair away as well as trying to take a look at his face.

"Pup, can I check you out real quick? I just need to take a look at your belly, nothing more." Chan said in a soft and warm tone, caressing the younger's hair away in the hope he'd calm down. 

As in Chan calming down, not Felix.

"It... It hurts so much..." Felix sobbed out, as the other alpha's were already flowing in the room, ready to beat up anyone who made their pup whimper and cry like that.

"I think he's presenting... Or better, presented. Could you guys take some warm wet towels, but also dry ones for me please? But warm the dry ones up, I don't want him to be cold." Chan said towards Minho and Changbin, who nodded and then left the room.

"Hyunjin could you take something for him to wear? In the bottom drawer of my closet at the right are hoodies that are too small for me, and maybe take some pairs of underwear and shorts as well." Chan smiled at Hyunjin, who nodded with a worried smile and kissed Jisung and Jeongin's forehead, before standing up again.

"Take some of my underwear, I don't mind, I don't wear the boxers a lot anyway." Jisung smiled and turned back to Felix, who was still letting out soft whines.

"Pup, can I check your belly? Do you think you'll get up?" Chan asked softly, Felix only letting out even more of his pained whines and cried, breathing heavily.

It was clear how Felix tried to calm himself down, taking deep breaths and slowly moving his body, another wave of pain shot through his lower abdomen though, making him fall forward again.

"Shhh... Take Jisungie and Jeonginnie's hands Little One, i'll help you." The oldest alpha softly said and helped Felix getting his arms from between his tummy and thighs, Jeongin and Jisung each taking one.

Chan slipped his arm under the younger's belly and started massaging the soft flesh, his thumbs working on his back as his large hand wrapped easily around his waist, massaging the sides of his belly.

Felix let out a relieved sigh and was only sniffling now, feeling much better already.

It still hurt though.

"Towels! I have towels!" Minho fastly said and came into the room with a stack of dry, but warm towels, as well as Changbin with a bucket where a few damped ones were laying in.

"Pup, can one of us change you in some other clothes? We can leave you alone with Jisungie and Jeonginnie alone too hm?" Chan asked, Felix whimpering loudly as he shook his head, breathing unsteady.

~•Horny Stranger Danger•~ [Felix x Skz]Where stories live. Discover now