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hihi here you go 💜💜



If it didn't take all of the boys to finally enter the airplane after so much time, Chan would've been in a good mood. Or at least semi good.

Everything was going super smoothly, their beta babies had fallen asleep in the car, cuddled up together, while all of the alpha's got their luggage in the back. Only a few times waking up in the hour they drove towards the airport.

Then, everything stated pissing off Chan, and practically all of the male's. Jisung had started panicking about Felix again, his nerves spiking up to the highest level they could, making him extremely nauseous. Jeongin was half limping, and of course couldn't try not to protest against his alpha's, telling them how hard Jisung went on him all those hours earlier.

Afterwards, their flight was delayed with a full hour, so Jisung couldn't help sprinting off to the bathrooms, emptying his stomach all over again. He didn't like knowing he was so far away from his omega, especially not when God knows what could've happened in the meantime.

Seungmin and Hyunjin stayed with him, while the others waited outside to make sure their flight was still coming, but also to hold up Jeongin, who desperately wanted to go to his hyung.

That, plus the thought of hearing his flight being delayed over and over again, made him anxious and sad. All he wanted was his Sungie hyung, and his baby Felix, cuddled up together in bed, watching whatever they liked, and mainly, keeping his mates safe.

But he couldn't. And that made him sit back down with a sad look, his gaze falling onto the ground. He continued fiddling with his hands until he couldn't hold his tears anymore, going over to Seungmin. He sat down the alpha's lap and straddled him, but Seungmin being the savage he is, scoffed and tried to get the younger back off, both using his strength as his voice to whine and protest.

"Seungminnie... Please..." Jeongin's broken whimper caught his mate's ear, who fastly wrapped his arms around the boy and made him lay comfortably, not caring what by passing strangers thought of them.

After a while Jisung and the others came back from the toilet, Hyunjin holding the beta's waist carefully, not wanting him to feel weak or pressured with all the surrounding people. He led both of his mates towards where the rest was sitting, gently placing Jisung on his lap before taking his phone.

And that's how their chaotic night started. When they finally boarded the plane, Jeongin thought of anything to make his mates think about other things than being stressed about Felix, but of course Jisung had a better idea.

He pulled Jeongin with him into the toilet, and without any sort of explanation, he started undressing the younger. First his hoodie and shirt, then his sweatpants, and lastly his underwear, which Jisung was very happy to see.

"You and your thongs huh? Such a sexy baby boy." Jisung whispered quietly, rubbing his hands over Jeongin's ass. He continued to tease the younger until his fingers accidentally slipped inside the boy again, making him whine and squirm, his legs slightly trembling as they were at the point of giving up.

His back bended slightly, his arms keeping himself up from the toilet seat. "I'm gonna prep you hm love? Then we'll use something new if you want to." Jisung softly spoke, kissing the younger beta's cheek. Jeongin nodded and continued to let out soft whines at Jisung's fingers curling inside of him, his walls clenching around them.

"Three is enough?" Jisung asked in a teasing tone, Jeongin nodding. The older giggled lightly and decided to add yet another finger, making Jeongin moan out loud, both the boys widening their eyes. "Shh... If they hear us they will throw us off this plane babe, do you really wanna fly a little over the ocean with a lil parachute above your head?" Jisung said in a stern yet playful tone, both of the male's giggling.

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