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Felix stirred awake softly, letting out a soft groan as he stretched himself. He felt the warmth around his body and sinked lower in the mattress, two betas hovering over him from both sides. 

"Are you awake, baby?" A soft and gentle voice asked, making Felix whine shortly and snuggle deeper in the large chest of the vanilla smelling male.

"Baby... We won't go to school today okay? Do you want to stay with us please?" Jeongin asked, caressing the younger's tummy softly. He was placed behind Felix, spooning him, as his left arm slid under the boy's left and caressed the soft belly underneath the thick hoodie.

"Would you like to meet the others perhaps?" Jisung added, a bit op hope in his voice as he said that. He looked at Jeongin with a smile, both hoping the younger would agree.

Felix whined again and shook his head, curling up like a small ball between the two olders.

"They only want nudes..." He mumbled softly, earning two soft chuckled from the betas. "Baby, they don't want just nudes, they want to get to know you. They're so jealous that you're cuddling with us even!" Jeongin happily said, the two betas now sitting up.

"No... They don't even like me..." Felix whined and pushed himself from the mattress, leaning against Jisung's chest, his face looking upwards to be as close to the alluring scent as possible.

"You guys smell good... It makes me feel high." Felix muttered with a small smile and got two adored males smiling like idiots as reward, who both scooted closer to him and cuddled him in between the both.

"That's good sweetheart... Those are pheromones." Jisung whispered with a happy smile, leaning his head on the younger's.

"What... What is that..." Felix mumbled with a frown, making both the betas frown and tilt their head. "Did your parents never teach you that baby? It's required to teach your pup about that..." Jeongin said with a confused look, getting Felix to shake his head.

"Well... Pheromones are like the ones on animals you could say. An alpha is attracted to a beta and omega, and an omega to a beta or alpha. Most of the times alphas and omegas towards each other. You can also release your pheromones, so attract someone, or to calm them down, but if you're distressed you can also release pheromones, which will alert the alpha. Do you understand it now?" Jeongin explained, getting a slight nod from Felix.

"And everyone has different scents, alphas mostly have darker or stronger-ish ones that show their dominance, and omegas softer and sweeter ones. Me and Jeongin both have vanilla, and we both have different abilities with them." Jisung added, getting once again a slight nod from the younger.

"But... What ability do you have then...?" Felix asked, looking up to meet eyes with beta.

"Well, for me I can calm my mates down, as well as treat fevers or spasms. Jeongin can do the same, but instead of calming our mates down, he can release soothing and soft scents which feels like you want to cuddle him all day." Jisung explained, Felix humming in response. He took a few seconds to let everything sink in, nodding along with it.

"But... Can't you have only one mate? Otherwise it's cheating? You said mates, as in plural." Felix mumbled with a confused look on his face, making the two betas chuckle lightly.

"No baby, we are in a poly amorous relationship. We're with 7 right now, but hopefully 8  soon enough..." Jeongin trailed off, thinking of how amazing it would be to have Felix as his mate.

"But... That doesn't make sense..." Felix said with a head tilt, still confused how 7 people can be in a relationship.

"Well, it's not common, but it's not weird either. We love each other, the only problem is that we do need an omega to keep our alphas calm, because that's what nature of course asks for. A beta is like a test for an alpha..." Jeongin said, tilting his head as he looked at the beauty of the younger.

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