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This is really short, but I hope you're still excited to read it... :)


i'm not a doctor.

i'm not a psychologist.

I have never studied about psychology.

so all that Felix will say, IS MADE UP

I mean idk honestly since like... I just wrote down what I would say with fancy words as if i'm hella smart, but if something's not accurate or wrong, i'm a dumb 15 yo autistic idiot,  COME AFTER MEEE!!!

the word count is 1666, so if I don't respond anymore... it's that


"I'm so excited! I did hate the fact that we had to come to school today for the damn theater... Like we don't even have those classes yet we have to help! Anyways, what are we gonna do when we get home?" Jisund asked in a happy and excited tone, cuddling Felix's arm even more.

"Watch movies, cuddle, eat, and... Cuddle some more." Jeongin replied, giggling softly as he leaned his head on the younger's shoulder as well. 

"And I can't wait for my baby to present... did you already feel anything different? Or hurt in your belly or chest?" Jisung asked Felix, who bit his lip and leaned down on the betas shoulder, slightly nodding.

"I've had some cramps and a weird feeling in my belly since last night... And... Other things. But I don't know if it has anything to do with the presenting though." Felix softly spoke, Jeongin pouting as he laid his hand on the younger's lower tummy and caressed it.

Felix softly smiled at the gesture and closed his eyes, not noticing how Jisung looked at Chan in his car mirror, as well as the alpha nodding back.

"What are those other things though baby? It's important to know hm?" Jeongin asked softly, Felix opening his eyes as he bit his lip once again, thinking hard for an excuse.

Come on come on stupid brain...

"Just... It's not really important..." The youngest mumbled softly and looked down, playing with his bracelet.

"Those things could be important tho Little One, I've seen and heard many stories about people thinking it's nothing while it could be really dangerous." Chan said, giving the younger a soft smile from the mirror.

"Jisungie already said it's normal... So, it's really nothing..." Felix mumbled, Chan sighing loudly as he shook his head lightly. 

He's mad isn't he...

He's disappointed...

He's regretting talking to me...

He's regretting everything isn't he...

He's already done with me...

But what can I say, he only knows me for a few days and his boyfriends are already cuddling against me, and kissing my face, calling me al these cute nicknames that make my heart flutter, so of course he isn't happy with me... But what can I say once again, I don't know these people, not even their age. I only know they're not much older than me, and some tiny things... 

Rather be kidnapped by them then by people who are disgusted by having a child who is an omega I guess...

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to disappoint or anger you..." Felix softly said while fiddling with his sleeves, Chan looking back with a frown as also Jeongin and Jisung sat upright again, looking confused at the younger male.

~•Horny Stranger Danger•~ [Felix x Skz]Where stories live. Discover now