20[howdy mate]20

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It's not long... But it's something...?

Next chapter will be way longer, sooooo yeah!!

have fun reading<3



"Good morning beautiful." Chan softly spoke as he caressed Jeongin's side gently, the beta smiling back as he stretched himself out. "I checked on Lix already, so you can go downstairs and eat already hm? you guys don't need to go to school if you don't feel like it. It was a long night yesterday." Chan whispered in a caring tone, still caressing the beta's cheek gently.

"Okay... Are you sure he'll be alright though?" Jeongin asked, Chan nodding as he placed a kiss on the younger's lips.

"He will. I just think his presenting is a bit harsher than normal, since he already started smelling like it even a few days before it hm? Normally people present a day or so after their 18th birthday."

"Hm... But the scent was probably because of how damaged his scent glands were, so are you really sure this is normal? He seemed like he was in so much pain last night..." Jeongin softly whispered back and looked at the sleeping boy next to him, who was curled up in a ball.

"If you're really that worried I can get a doctor to come, or we can go to a hospital. But from what I saw, I think it's really just because of his presenting." Chan replied back, Jeongin shaking his head as he sat up.

"No.. I trust you, I do... I just don't want him to be in so much pain..." The beta said and got closer to Felix, placing a soft kiss on his temple. 

The younger seemed so cute while sleeping, his chocolate brown hair a little messy, making it look fluffy and adorable. His lips formed a small pout, as the hood from the hoodie made him look so small and fragile. Not to mention his faded freckles, which was even more adorable than anything else.

Only if they knew how beautiful they were without the load of makeup on top of his cheeks.

"But... Where did those bruises come from...? Do you think he fell...?" The beta carefully asked, tracing his fingers over the younger's shoulders and arm. Chan sighed and sat down on the bed, coming a bit closer to the freckled boy.

The alpha gently took the sleeve of his hoodie on the youngest and rolled it up, looking at the faded bruises and marks. He let his thumb caress over them as he kept examining them.

"I think... They could be from something wrapping around his arm tightly... Like a hand. You see this? It looks like fingerprints." Chan said and frowned, then rolling the sleeve back down as he went for the rim of the hoodie itself, gently pushing Felix's thighs down so he could see his stomach.

"These look more... They're not random, they all have somewhat the same shape and are more spread over his skin..." Chan mumbled, almost getting a heart attack when the youngest moved and whined softly in his sleep.

The alpha fixed his hoodie again and caressed the younger's cheeks, who slowly woke up and frowned, rubbing his eyes with the giant sleeve paws.

"Hi Little One... Are you okay? Does your tummy hurt?" Chan softly asked as Felix pouted and nodded, one hand pushing down his belly as the other kept rubbing his eyes.

"Don't rub them like that Pup, they'll hurt." Chan spoke and gently took the younger's small hand, which was still drowning in the grey hoodie.

"Do you wanna sit up or does laying down feel better sweets?" Jeongin asked in a caring tone as Felix pushed on his arms a bit, trying to sit up. He let out a soft whimper when he couldn't get himself up, Jeongin and Chan fastly supporting his arms as they helped him get up, placing them against the cupboard.

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