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this chapter is SO random-


IM POSTING THIS CUZ I NEED TO RUSH MYSELF TO WRITE- I didn't write a single words since daaaysssss agoooooo and yeah



"We found him! We have the exact address from where he is- or at least his phone!" Chan yelled as he ran into the bathroom of Jisung's room, the betas looking at him with wide eyes.

"You- you did?" Jisung asked in shock, a small and airy chuckle leaving his mouth. Chan nodded and showed him the laptop, the betas seeing how a small red dot was clearly visible in the middle of the woods, right on top a small brown cube, which was probably a house or some kind.

"Me, Minho and Changbin are going there, but we just need to fix some airpla-"

"I'm going with you guys." Jisung cut him off with a stern look, clearly not in the mood to argue. Chan sighed and frowned, not liking the idea of his lover getting in a possible danger. "Lovely...-"

"I'm going too. You are not gonna let us stay here, while you are all the way in that sauna land, looking for our mate, as in all of us, and possibly getting hurt by that fucker of a so called dad. We are going. No discussion possible. Now get your ass outside this room and look for the earliest flight to that shit. Okay?" Jeongin said with a stern look, his possessive and dominant clearly showing when talking about the omega. Jisung just giggled at Chan who didn't argue and left the room with a simple nod, his alpha senses clearly being crushed by the beta.

"Such a feisty boy huh..." Changbin smirked, who peeked his head inside. Jeongin let out a soft giggle, immediately letting go of the stern look on his face.

"Don't worry baby boys, i'll make sure he'll get us there. All of us. But... I get a reward for that right?" Changbin smirked, whispering the last sentence as he let his eyes travel all the way down both the beta's bodies, both of them giggling loudly.

"Of course you do." Jisung said and made Changbin bend down, kissing him with passion on the lips. The beta let himself rise from his knees he was sitting on, the alpha immediately letting his hands wander off to the younger's waist.

Changbin licked Jisung's bottom lip and asked for entrance, which the beta happily gave as he opened his mouth widely, soft moans leaving his lips when the alpha kept pushing in harder, exploring the whole wet cavern.

Meanwhile Jeongin had a small smirk on his face, coming closer as he then stood on his knees behind Jisung. He gently put his lips on the older's wet skin and started sucking hickeys all over his shoulders and neck. His warm tongue swirled all over Jisung's nape, his hands traveling over the wet and smooth skin, pinching his nipple lightly.

Jeongin let his right hand go even lower on the other beta, soon reaching his plump ass. He rubbed over the smooth and soft flesh before letting his hand slide between it, his fingertip circling around Jisung's entrance.

A soft moan was heard from the oldest beta, his body being attacked by both the alpha and Jeongin, making him weak in his legs. Changbin softly moved away with a smirk and saw how Jeongin pulled Jisung's body on himself, still sucking dark purple and red hickeys as his hand kept teasing the older's hole, earning soft moans and whimpers.

"You wanna top Sung, baby?" Changbin smirked towards Jeongin, the beta immediately nodding. Jisung let out a whine with a small laugh, smacking the younger's thigh under water. "What? You always top me, now I can top you!" Jeongin happily spoke, as with a smirk he pushed a finger inside the beta, who immediately arched his back with a moan by the sudden feeling.

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