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okay... this wasn't much longer, BUT, I just wanted to have a little cliffhanger ish thingy hehe....

(and I have no idea what to write the next chapter, so that's why it will be going further there)

EDIT: I wrote almost 3000 words in the following chapter, and it's not even finished-



"Lix, remember to give us a sign when something's wrong okay?" Jisung asked Felix, holding him while rocking both of their bodies from side to side. Felix's head was resting on the betas shoulder while his hands were once again on his stomach, watching carefully how Jeongin let the tub fill with warm water.

They had managed to convince Felix to just take a bath, while the betas would wait outside. He wasn't very happy with it and wanted someone to at least be in the same room as him, but of course he couldn't be comfortable with basically, strangers, seeing his body.

"Are you sure you won't leave the room...?" Felix asked in a small and broken voice, Jisung nodding as he hummed. "Of course baby boy, we'll be right outside the door yeah? And if anything happens, we can come in. But it's your choice." The beta explained and kissed the younger's forehead softly.

"What scent do you want baby? Strawberry, some... I don't even know what this is, but it's very alpha like, or vanilla?" Jeongin asked, holding three bottles which he held up. The youngest pointed at the red one, clearly liking strawberry way more over the other ones.

"Ahw... Not vanilla?" Jisung pouted, Felix now being the confused one.

"I can... I can use that one... I... I don't mind, if you want me to use the vanilla one i'll use it..."  Felix mumbled, Jisung shaking his head.

"No no baby, I was thinking about how good you would smell as me and Jeonginnie, but that's not even smart. You see, alphas can just mark their mates, omegas can sort of do that too, but betas can't hm? It's a natural instinct for all of us to want their mates to smell like them. But I think strawberry would compliment your scent. Use that one." Jisung said with a soft smile, Felix nodding lightly.

"But... why do you want me to smell like you... I'm not your mate... and i'm not an omega either..." Felix mumbled softly with a confused look, Jeongin and Jisung sighing as they looked at each other with a sad expression.

"I mean... I didn't want to make you sad or mad... Just... I'm not your mate right?" Felix softly spoke, Jisung nodding.

"You're not, and I know you didn't mean it in a bad way. I just wish your parents would've teached you more about all of this stuff... If you went to a cop and told him this, that you don't know these small things, they would even arrest your parents...about the omega part, let's talk about it after your bath yeah?" Jisung smiled and buried his face in the crook of Felix's neck, the younger pouting a bit.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled as a single tear rolled down his cheek again, his arms wrapping around Jisung's neck as he leaned down on his head.

How adorable he looked while trying to comfort others...

"No baby, you don't have to say sorry for something you can't control. Sure, there are some things that aren't allowed to be teached because it could give obvious signs on what you will present, which is not allowed to know before the age of 18, but it's not your fault okay?" Jeongin softly said and cupped Felix's cheeks, rubbing his long thumbs over them.

"And now, you can enjoy your warm bath hm? I added bubbles." Jeongin said and booped the younger's nose, making him lightly smile and nod.

The two betas helped undress Felix until he was only wearing his shirt and underwear, his small hands trying to make the shirt as long as possible. 

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