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you said I should, so here ya go

didn't find cute pictures so we'll have to do it with this ;-;



After what felt like an eternity of squirming and crying himself to sleep, Felix managed to close his eyes and drift off, his tear stained cheeks being wiped by Jeongin and Jisung.

Jeongin was sitting against the cupboard shirtless, while Felix was laying on top of him, his legs bent in half as his face was on the older's shoulder, his arms tucked in between both their chests like a small baby.

The thick blanket was pulled around him as a towel laid underneath his thighs and lower half, Jeongin caressing his back gently. The beta kept nuzzling his nose in Felix's scent glands and hair, picking up as much as he could from his scent.

Holding his baby like that, he thought of how much he actually hated being a beta. He couldn't pick up his mates' scent properly, couldn't scent anyone, and most of all couldn't bond the same way with an omega or alpha as they could with each other.

"You know I love you right? I'll always be here for you. No matter what." The beta softly whispered and continued to place gentle kisses on Felix's cheeks and head, sighing softly.

"Babe, I told you not to worry about such a things hm...? He will love you as much as he does with alphas, and we'll make it worth it for him. And mind you, he can still scent you, or you can still have all these cute and adorable moments with him. And then not to mention, his scent is so so strong that I doubt we won't smell it when he's in heat. We could even smell the strawberry and flower mix while he wasn't even presenting, so it'll be fine." Jisung spoke gently, his hand caressing Jeongin's cheek, who nodded gently.

"You'll be fine, we'll be fine, and most of all, he will be fine."

"Thank you Sung... I just hope he'll... Love us back. What if he doesn't like polyamorous relationships? Or doesn't even realize we are all together?" Jeongin asked in a scared tone, a sad gaze piercing through Jisung's doe eyes.

"We will talk with him, and he can decide. I... I won't be too happy when he doesn't want to but... We can try. We've been working on this for so long, so we can't give up now hm?" Jisung smiled, placing a soft kiss on both Jeongin and Felix's head.

"Now I think I'm gonna need to go, before Chan comes and gets me himself." Jisung joked, the betas chuckling softly. 

"Well, then go get some dick I guess?" Jeongin chuckled back, patting Jisung's ass before the male jumped off the bed.

Jisung giggled as he fastly walked through the long hallways, peeking his head inside Chan's room to see both him and Seungmin on their phones, the younger on the older's bed as Chan sat in his chair, his legs on top of his desk.

Both the males looked up from their phones and smirked, looking at each other as they fastly put away their phones. Jisung got inside with a giggle and closed the door behind him, Chan being the first one to throw him on the bed, Seungmin immediately taking his clothes off, until he was only wearing his underwear.

"Hmm... Impatient much hm alpha?" Jisung smirked, Seungmin letting out a soft growl at the teasing. As Chan made his way on sucking hickeys all over Jisung's thighs, Seungmin worked on biting and nibbling on his collarbone and neck, earning soft moans from the beta.

Jisung let out a soft whine when Seungmin stopped to look at the blushing mess underneath him, smirking lightly. "Who's the one impatient now hm?" He chuckled and removed his shirt, showing off his perfectly defined abs and chest.

~•Horny Stranger Danger•~ [Felix x Skz]Where stories live. Discover now