25[special kid]25

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"That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard." Jisung said loudly, cutting off Minho and Chan's talking. He saw how much Felix was panicking and didn't have any of it, the younger's body slightly trembling on Minho's lap, a scared look on his face.

The two oldest were thinking about how they could safely get Felix to his parents and then get him back, planning different things and ways to do so. 

"Please don't make me go there... please..." Felix whimpered, Minho rubbing his hands over the omega's thighs, shaking his head. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen hm? We'll get to you faster than you could even miss us." Minho smiled, Felix shaking his head as he slowly pushed Minho's hands of his thighs.

"Don't you guys realize he doesn't want it? Or are you guys imbeciles?! As long as we are fucking courting him, he won't get to meet a single part of his parents! I don't fucking care what it takes me!" Jisung angrily yelled and came towards Felix, pulling him up under his arms. The omega fastly wrapped his arms and legs around the older's torso as soft sobs left his mouth.

"S-Sungie please don't go... Please don't send me there..." The younger cried out as Jisung rubbed his back and rocked both of their bodies from side to side, walking out of the kitchen.

"I won't baby. I won't ever let you go there. You're my baby boy, and I will not let this happen to you." The beta spoke and made his way up the stairs, walking into his room.

"Would you like to take a shower or bath baby? We couldn't wash you since you were asleep and it's been already 4 days hm? Just to relax a bit after all the pain." Jisung asked, Felix whining a bit as he shook his head, clutching his small fists at his shirt.

"Shh... I won't leave you... Don't be scared baby boy. But wouldn't a warm shower or bath do good? I can join you in if you want, stay besides you, or just sit outside. It's all your decision." The beta spoke, wiping away the omega's tears.

"Join please..." Felix sniffled, Jisung giving him a bright smile. "Of course my beautiful angel. Of course." Jisung whispered and placed a soft kiss on the side of Felix's head, letting the younger's head rest on his shoulders for a few more minutes as the beta took everything ready for their bath together.

He took two of his favorite hoodies, as well as boxers for the both of them. He decided to just skip pants and went on with grabbing everything they needed, not letting go of the omega for a single second.

He then locked the door of his bedroom, going over to the bathroom as he went in and locked it as well. He had made the water run into the warm bath tub already before he took the male's clothes, so now they could jump in and enjoy the warmth.

Jisung first took off his own pants and hoodie, leaving him in his underwear. He then helped Felix take off the giant hoodie, the omega trying his best to reach out his small hands, covering up his front.

"Do you want a towel to cover up baby?" Jisung asked, Felix shyly nodding. The beta then took a small towel for the younger and held it in front of his lower half, looking away so the omega could take off his underwear.

Felix took the towel out of Jisung's hands and held it around him, watching how the beta nonchalantly took off his underwear, leaving the younger with wide eyes.

Jisung turned around and saw how Felix was standing there with wide eyes, a crimson color fading over his freckles. The beta softly chuckled and got closer to the blushing male, cupping his cheeks.

"What's wrong baby?" Jisung asked in a teasing tone, Felix biting his lip as he tried to look anywhere but the older's lower part.

"You- Aren't you... Why are you so chill about it!" Felix whined, Jisung lightly laughing as he held the younger's waist, caressing it slowly. "It's out of habit baby, I'm not embarrassed or anything. But if you'd like me to cover up, i'm willing to do that. Just tell me when I make you uncomfortable." Jisung smiled, Felix nodding.

~•Horny Stranger Danger•~ [Felix x Skz]Where stories live. Discover now