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"Appa where is your winter bear " a cute mochi asked to Mr Kim ,who gave him done look.

"Why you ask me daily same question jimin when you know the answer he must be with his babies now go and don't disturb me " Mr Kim said while reading newspaper

Jimin giggles and went to meet his winter bear who is in garden pampering Street dog's and forget about their  day out which happens to today .when the boy sense others present .

"O chim what are you doing there " the pretty male asked with puppy eye's

" What am I doing really ,like seriously Kim taehyung you forgot about our day out" jimin said with fake angry
tone and done face

Poor taetae he thaught his chim is really angry with him so he lower his
head with teary eyes and he said with sad tone ," I'm sorry chim ,I really don't know how I forget about it I'm really really sorry chim I "and he began to cry

Seeing this jimin got panic and hug him tightly " taebear I was kidding now stop crying or I'm also going to cry and let's go fast , don't you want to meet your kookie hmm" jimin softly said at last tease him which make our tae go all shy.

After sometime they got ready and jimin dragged our tae to shopping mall which happened to expensive,
They began to shop more like jimin is shopping and tae is following him like a lost puppy.after finishing their shopping they thought to eat something so they comes to a restaurant .

"Tae you wait here I'll take our order ok" jimin asked and tae hummed.

Now tae is alone and getting uncomfortable with stare he is getting from some boy's, he began to panic when they comes to his table and sit beside him .

" Hey pretty boy what's your name" boy asked him with a dirty smirk playing on his lip tae was about to go from there other one blocked his way ,tae roam his eyes to find jimin but he didn't see him and tear rolled down from his eyes

"Please let me go why are you doing it "he say while crying

"Awe pretty boy why are you crying let me clean your face crying doesn't shoot you hmm come here" the boy about to touch tae when a male block his hand and glare them with angry eyes ,when that boy was about to argue his eye gone the fist which is ready to beat him he gulped hard and ran away from there.the angry man turn around to tae while glaring.

"What are you doing here all alone Mr Kim and don't you have mouth to speak for hel" he cutoff with soft sobbing he sign and cupped his face and wipe his tear.
"I'm sorry taetae your yoongi hyung is sorry please forgive him " he knows how much sensitive tae is so he talk to him softly

" I'll forgive you if you help me with assignment " tae said with pout

" It's that so " he asked calmly which made tae gulped but he nodded his head hopefully. " Ok then I'll help you"

" Thank you yoongi hyung you the best" tae said with a bright smile.

"Now tell me where is your friend  and your bunny faces fiance " yoongi asked him

"Jimin has gone for our order and kookie will come anytime" while they are chit chatting jimin come with their food Trey

" I'm sorry tae one of dad business partner meet me on the way that's why I got late " jimin said with pout and hugged yoongi tightly saying miss you yoongi also said miss you too, yoongi was going to tell him about the event which happens some time ago but tae hold his hand and look at him with puppy eye's.

"It's ok chim and I'm not  a child who got lost if you leave me alone " tae said cutely

Suddenly someone back hugged tae,when he turned around, he got happy to see his fiance

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