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"Kiss me , I want kiss as my gift" yoongi was shocked to heard it ,tae open his eyes and look at him " Why are you not kissing me , am I ugly , I know I'm not  as beautiful as him " saying this tae leave him and about to go but yelped when yoongi  hold him in bridal style

" Why you always run away for me before listening my answer and who told you are ugly , you are most beautiful person that I have saw in my entire life  "

" then why you didn't kiss me " tae said with angry pout and look away yoongi smile and said " you know I don't want our first kiss will be so simple I want to kiss you when you are sober not drunk,  I don't want you regret our kiss that's why I didn't kissed you"

"That's mean you will not kiss me right " tae asked without any emotion and yoongi shook his head " put me down " yoongi look at him confusely " I said put me down" his lip bobble it's look like he us going to cry, and yoongi immediately put him down

" JIN HYUNGIE,  JIN HYUNGIE WHERE ARE YOU , no one love me jin hyungie also didn't come , where will I go.  that grumpy cat will make fun of me if go to him think taetae think " tae was talking to himself when he saw jay in the hallway and smile and look at yoongi

" you didn't give me my gift na I'll take it " and started to walk in jay direction yoongi widen his eyes looking at his actions and mumble " don't tell me he is going to kiss that jay park nonono he cant kiss him yoongi stop him " yoongi run after him and before tae aproach jay he pick him up in bridal style again and said coldly

" tae you are drunk you don't know what you are saying and doing so keep your mouth shut"  and started to go and didn't glance at him , when he reach in their room he make him lay on the bed and cover him with blanket " now sleep I'm going to bring you lemon water " tae held his hand look in his eyes deeply and whisper with teary eyes

" I know you only love him, I know you dont like me , and why you will like it's not like our marriage was normal, I'm a
forced sick husband  who can't even wear a single touch but that was not my fault hyungie I tried I really tried to moved on from that night but but I can't forget about their touch hyungie it's feel like burning hyung I'm sorry to dispointing you hyungie you are always a perfect husband  to me but I didn't become one for you I i" he started to breath heavenly

Yoongi look at his panic state and cupped his face  " tae calm down first take a deep breath common you will do it hyungie right " he asked tae who nodded and said while breathing heavily " you are too good hyungie I'm sorry to ruined your life but you don't worry I will free you from this unwanted married I will divorrr" his voice got muffled when joined his lips with him taehyung eyes got widened when yoongi started to moved his lip against his harshly but passionately and wrapped his arms around his waist pullinghimcloser, tae automatically close his eyes and wrapped his arms around his neck pulling him closer and  kiss back with Same passion making the kiss more deeper after sometime they pulled away while breathing heavily and yoongi said harshly " don't you dare to complete that word " and tae eyes got teary

" aww my handsome boy  you are such a baby" saying that he again kiss him but this time softly

" aww my handsome boy  you are such a baby" saying that he again kiss him but this time softly

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( ok I'm not good in romantic stuffs so bear with me)

It was simple kiss with lovw and passion, only lip to lip kiss, tung wasn't involved , a perfect romantic kiss which so their love for each other,

When tae got relax they part away and yoongi caress his chick who lean in his touch " don't you dare to say bad thing about my husband, he is too perfect for this world , yes he have some trauma but that wasn't his fault,  he was always there with me when I was needed him , he was there when I was professor min he was there when was only min with no job without any future plan he was there when no one was beside me now tell me where do you think my husband  luck to being a perfect husband because according to me in this whole anyone should called a perfect husband then that is my husband " He said with teary eyes  tae hugged him and started to crying while saying sorry

" let it all out because I don't want to see any tears in your " he kissed his forehead and made him lay down and cover him with blanket was about to go tae held his hand look at him panicking  " please don't  go "

" where will I go it's my room also Mrs min " yoongi said playfully " I'm not girl so don't call me Mrs and I want cuddle "tae said and yoongi lay beside him and held him in his arms before sleeping


After leaving the party " where are we going kook" jimin asked but jungkook didn't reply and keep driving and stopped in front of a restaurant " kook are hungry  or are we having meeting here look kook I'm not attending any meeting km super tired and I don't have any energy to attend uwdynnkkm" jimin started to blabbering dramatically and jungkook shut his mouth with his palm and said

" will you let me tell you why we are here , don't you get tired of talking nonstop and we are here because you didn't eat anything in party so mr jeon let's go to have a dinner date on our anniversary "  and chuckles at his shocked expression and taught to tease him and put a finger on his lips and kissed it before getting out and leaving a blushing mochi in same position

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