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"Mom dad I'm going back to my father's home " jimin spoke while entering into mr and Mrs jeon room who look at him in horror" Why jimina baby what happened why are you want to go " Mrs jeon asked worriedly while cupping his face

jimin look at them in disbelief " are you guy's out of mind to asked me why, your company is getting bankrupt what will I'll do here " mr jeon comes to him" jimin baby look mr min is our business partner now so he will help us " mr jeon spoke

" I don't care ok I'm not going to stay here if you guy's didn't fixed this " saying this jimin goes from there mr and Mrs jeon sigh they look up when jungkook called them from doorway

" mom dad I want him mom " jungkook spoke in broken voice he held his mother soldier and said desperately " you always give me what ever I want right you will give him to me "

Mrs jeon nodded her head " off course kookie mamma will give you everything you want , I'll talk to jimin he will not go ahh" Mrs jeon hissed when kook pushed her

"WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND I DON'T WANT JIMIN I WANT MY TAEBEAR " he shouted and started to throw everything  while mumbling 'I want my tae' his eyes fell on knife he take it and look at his mother who flinch looking at his eyes which is filled with same madness like some months ago his gase goes to mr jeon a tear slip from his eyes

" I want him dad, please dad please I want him if I didn't get him then I'll kill myself " he whisper while tears are flowing down from his eyes he press the knife onto his wrist " I'll will died then everyone will be happy you will got mr mins project, jimin will happily married to someone who will love him and my tae my tae will happy with yoongi yes it's right to end my chapter so everyone will be happy " jungkook spoke mindlessly

He was about to cut on his wrist when mr jeon held his hand and snatched knife from his hand throw it and hugged him like his life is depend on him while jungkook was smirking

" you will get him I'll talk to yoongi and I know how to convince him and don't you dare to do it again " mr jeon spoke and jungkook stiff after hearing mr jeon

" I'm giving you 15 minutes dad I want him here in 15 minutes " jungkook mumble and mr jeon nodded and goes to dinning hall were everyone was having breakfast except taegi he thought to go again but halt in his step when he saw yoongi walking down stairs will half sleepy tae on his arm

When they come to hall mr jeon spoke " mr min I want taehyung " hearing it yoongi tighten his hold on tae and spoke darkly " What you just say "

" look kooks madness started again he wants tae or else he will hurt himself so please let him come with me " mr jeon spoke desperately

" my husband is not a toy whom your son wants and get mr jeon " yoongi spoke loud " I don't care about your son it's your family matter so go and solved it don't bring my husband into your mess"

" my mess" mr jeon angrily spoke " off course your mess didn't it was you who force Nono blackmail us to get marry , but I want to thank you for that because of you only now I have my tae with me so thank for my and sorry for your misery mr jeon " yoongi spoke sarcasticly

" and yoongi I think we have to broke our partnership,  jeon's shares are getting down " hobi spoke while coming into scene yoongi look at mr jeon who has his eyes wide

" So mr jeon didn't it look like the same when you force us ,but the difference is now it was not us who is helpless didn't your son had tell you about my promise ,mr jeon or did you forgot about it " tae spoke while pouting now fully awake

"You have to help me yoongi , don't forget a about your husband's perents they are staying here also " mr jeon spoke smirking but his smirking got vanished when he heard next

" what will do kill them , I don't care about anyone now,I'm not scare of you " tae spoke and mr jeon started to laugh

" hahaha awe is taebaby trying to become strong ha " he spoke while laughing and cooing he stopped laughing and spoke darkly " did you forgot what I had done to you ha did you forgot how you were crying to me  for not to kill your perents  , and on the top how can you forgot about yourself tae" he spoke and tried to touch tae who flinch but yoongi hold his hand

" like that like that you comes that to save him but you got late no no not fully late but my man were able see your husband's naked under them , did you forgot I got you almost raped " he spoke bluntly without knowing he was saying everything live

" you know now looking at you am jealous of my man's they got the chance to touch your body I just wants to fuck" before he can complete his word a slap landed on his chick he look at the person and got shocked to seeing Mrs jeon standing there with teary eyes and betrayed look

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