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"W what  are you talking about mr jeon  I don't understand anything please excuse me I want to spend some time with my husband " saying that he turn around to go but stopped hearing " bachelor night hyung "

" yes I know and I was the one who told you about that night and you didn't believe it right so please close this topic here I don't want tae heard anything about that night " he said and whisper last part to himself

" no you didn't told me everything you hide about his molestation " jungkook yelled in frustration

" OK enough,  don't yelled  about that ,we don't want to spoiled tae mood , do we " yoongi said coldly " and we will talk about it later" saying that he Leaves from there jungkook also go from there to party hall


" so tae tell me when are you going to confence about your feelings to yoongi" Jennie asked and tae looked at her with shocked expression " what why are looking at me like this,  ohh now I get it you want to asked me how I know right" tae nodded

" I can see, the way you looked at him,  the way you got shy when he complement you" she said and look at him " now look at you getting blushing mess when I didn't even mention his name,  now prove me wrong if you can " she said proudly

" But he didn't feel about me anything,  he only care about me as a friend not like that " tae with smile

" you Don't have to act like you are ok with it , and who told you that he didn't feel anything about you , did you ask him " Jennie asked and tae shook his head " then ask him , don't assume anything without knowing his feelings ok" tae nodded his with bright smile

" tae did you want to know about yoongi feelings " Jennie said excitedly and tae nodded " ok so you have to do whatever I'll ask you ok" tae nodded and drink his soft drink in one go , they look around and saw yoongi

" look taebaby yoongi is coming  hear you just have to ignore him and and and do a sexy dance " when yoongi comes to them " tae i want to " tae stand up and go from there " talk with you " he whisper and look at Jennie " What happens to him why he ignored me "

" how will I know, you say where you have been I didn't saw you coming with us , and who the hell give me soft drink "

" nothing I just got busy with mr jeon, " he cut off by  music when he saw tae dancing he got shocked, after sometime when he come out from shock , he also join him which shocked everyone

(Credit goes to owner)

" jimin can be go home " jimin look at kook with worries " What happened are you OK " he was about to reply but cut off by jhope

" Oh mr jeon where are you going , please stay some more time and please eat something before you leave "

" of course mr jung and we already eat  so we are leaving, and by the way I didn't saw min couple after there performance "

" actually we don't know how but tae got little drunk and that performance was result of his drunken state , yoongi is with him sorry but they will not be able to say goodbye to you both"

" it's OK mr. Jung tae is ok right " jimin asked " yes he is ok but I don't know about yoongi "

" ok so mr jung we are going good night see you soon " jungkook said and they bid their good bye


Taegi were going to their room but suddenly sit on the floor and started crying

" hey what happened why are you crying, what happened , did you sprain your leg, let me look where you got hurt" yoongi said worriedly

" nuu I didn't hurt myself, I'm crying because my husband don't love me " tae said with pout and drunk voice yoongi look at him with the face which say ' are you serious right now' and sigh " But why you think your husband don't love you"

" because he didn't bring strawberry cake he bring vanilla cake on our anniversary did you believe it " tae said dramatically

" Oh really he is very bad how can he forgot  about  your strawberry obsession now come let's go from here" yoongi said but got shocked when tae shouted

" HOW DARE YOU " he stand up with help of yoongi " oh thank you very much,  but how dare you to say bad thing about my husband ha" hearing it a smile broke on yoongi lips

" wait a minute why you are looking like him did you kidnapped him and come here with his face " tae was about to sit again but yoongi hold his waist and pull him towards himself

" I'm your husband tae , you kitty hyungie " tae smile ans asked" so you are my kitty hyungie na " yoongi nodded and tae circle his arm around Yoongi's neck

" you know what kitty hyungie what is today" yoongi nodded and reply our anniversary " yes but you you Billu you didn't give me any gift" tae said angrily

" Oh so you are angry with me because  I didn't gave you any gift right , so tell me what you wants "

" you will give me right " he asked with puppy eyes  yoongi nodded " pinky promise " " pinky promise "

"I want kiss as my gift now give me " tae said and pout his lip and closed his eyes

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