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Tae was staring at his hand continuously while thinking about his conversation with yoongi last night ' I had never love you if you were a girl tae because I'm gay "

Tae was getting insecure about pregnancy thing ' will he not love me anymore I'm pragnant did I become a girl now he don't " his train of thought got interrupt when someone more like yoongi come and seat beside him

Looking at his expression yoongi understand he is getting insecure so he held his chin and make him look up , " I love you my mamma bear " he mumble before kissing him a tear scape from tae's eyes hearing his confection

Tae mumble while resting his head on yoongi chest and playing with his shirts buttons "I got scared I thought you will not like me being pregnant " yoongi look at him and peck his earlobe and asked " why " tae look at him with angry pout and spoke " didn't you tell me you are gay you will never love any girl"

Yoongi chuckles and spoke teasely" are not you are boy anymore taetae " tae look at him and pout " are you silly hyung how can I be not boy I was born boy "

" So why  were you crying " yoongi spoke tae look at him and kicked him from bed who landed on the floor " are you making fun of me hyungie " tae spoke angrily yoongi look at him in disbelief

" just because I just tease you , you throw me out from the bed wifey " yoongi asked in disbelief  " then what did you think I'll kiss you for making fun of me " tae spoke while battling his eyelashes

" I have to keep him away from jin hyung and jimin , they are spoiling my baby " yoongi mumble to himself with sulky face he look up when tae call him

" hyungie I want to go home " tae mumble cutely yoongi spoke while sulking " that's why I came hear , but you just kicked me jin hyung is getting your discharge papers"

"Hyungie im sorry now stopped sulking you kitty cat , let's go from there I don't like being here " tae spoke while steping down from the bed but yelped when yoongi suddenly pick him up in bridal style

" now let's go mamma bear " yoongi whisper against tae's lip before kissing him , tae hide his blushing face into his neck After sometime they reached jeon mention,

Mrs jeon was sitting on the sofa in the living room worriedly, When she saw them coming she silently started to her room,  when tae called her " aunt "

Yoongi look at him in denial and tae smile and put his one palm on his jaw and whisper in his ear while kissing his coller boan sensually" put me down yoongi " yoongi gulp and put him down

" I'm OK I know you never hated me it was just mother nature to jealous  from their son in law /daughter in law,  but please don't do anything with chimmy he is so sensitive when it comes to his love one ,he will not be take your anger , ah I think I talk too much but please think for once , is your love for your son is that much weak which can easily broken by anyone ,in this world we can't take anyone's place in anyone life we have create our own place I think you understand what I wanted to tell " tae spoke softly Mrs jeon nodded with teary eyes and hugged him

" I'm sorry taehyung, I'm sorry for my every misbehavior with you , I just didn't wanted to lost my son " Mrs jeon spoke while crying " I'll only forgive you if you stopped your crying " tae spoke sternly " now go and rest " saying that tae look behind to see yoongi who was standing while leaning on the doorway,  tae make grabby hand and spoke " I'm sleepy " yoongi smile and shook his head before picking him up go to their room and sleep,

" I'm so happy for my taebear , finally My bear got his justice " jimin mumble while resting his head on jungkook chest who hummed and tighten his hold around his waist

" yes jimina now I'm glad that mr jeon stopped our marriage,  because I think I never loved tae , I was habituated of him that somehow become my stubbornness, now when I'm with you I know what is love " jungkook spoke softly while looking at his eyes deeply
" didn't you are getting cheesy day by day " jimin asked teasely

" What can I do ,I have thought our niece this line impress her better half " he replied dramatically jimin look at him and asked " Why niece she can be he also , what if it's nephew not niece"

Jungkook shrugged and spoke while pouting " then I demand for niece from yoongi hyung , he never deny anything which I want "

Jimin look at him in disbelief " are you serious, like now grow up kook you are going to be uncle and soon we will adopt a baby and you will become a father but you yourself is a baby" jimin yelped when jungkook suddenly hover over him

" you want me to become adult right , let's to do something which adults do before sleeping " jungkook whisper sensually while kissing his coller boan

Jimin held his face and make him look up and smatch his lip against him while kissing him harshly " you Don't have to seduced me your touch is enough to make me want you " jimin whispers while breathing heavily

" didn't you are getting bold mochi " jungkook spoke tease while thrusting his cloth member against him, jimin circle his leg around jungkook waist and started to rub on him and whisper " please jungkookah don't tease me "

within some time their clothes was laying on the floor while the room was filled with moaning and skin slapping sound

" jungko~okah ahhh rig~ht there ple~ase fu~ck me hard , im Cum~ming i can't ho~ld it any~more" jimin moan when jungkook hit his right spot while pinching his nipples

" I'm also Cumming ahhh let's cum together ahhhcum baby cum for meahhh" jungkook spoke while increasing his speed of thrusting and they both cum together

they are laying in each other's arms after bathing " kookie what will you name our baby " jimin spoke while playing his earlobe

" umm what about Aera" jungkook spoke excitedly jimin smile and hugged him and whisper " yes our Aera"

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