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Now jimin is crying loudly " how can I talked about anyone's perents like this kook,  I don't know what got into me that I split that nonsense "

" shh relax I know you are filling guilty,  did you ever tried to talk to him " kook asked to him who shook his head " didn't you suggested me to asked apologise to tae so without any thinking asked him for his forgiveness , you will do it right " he asked softly to jimin who smile and nodded " now main thing I want to see that photographs "

Jimin come out with some photos, he handed them to kook who got shocked after seeing

Jimin come out with some photos, he handed them to kook who got shocked after seeing

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(Imagine them as taegi )

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(Imagine them as taegi )

" it's can't be possible how can they edited so realistic pics its looks so real and there background looking exactly like your and my houses " kook mumble " jiminah let's just moved on from past I don't want to see you or anyone hurts because of our past and we will talk about this photos to yoongi and tae " jungkook spoke jimin shook his head negatively on the part of talking with taegi " they have rite to know about it jimina, these all also related to them ,you wants to make your relationship with tae like before right " jungkook asked to him who nodded  "then it's final now let's pack our bag"

After sometime they pack their bag's ,jimin was nervously looking here and there a sign of he want to talk something,  jungkook look at him and pulled him on his lap " What happened please don't tell me Nothing because I'm observing you "

"Actually I I " jimin wanted to tell him but he didn't form a word " you what jimina " jungkook asked softly looking at his panic state ,jimin close his eyes and took a deep breath

" I want to adopt a baby " jimin whispers while looking down and jungkook that dumb bunny was jungshook when jimin didn't get any response from him his eyes become teary

" it's OK if you don't want to adopt,  you know leave it how stupid I'm talking about adoption when only some days ago we got together " he srarted to blabbering without looking at him who was smiling crazily and kiss him

" mochi babyl you are great you know I love kids so much so when everything will be settled we will adopt a baby girl " jungkook spoke excitedly to him who smile sadly

" you love kids too much right " jimin asked and kook nodded " Why did to got ready to marry me when you can had your own family with any girl " jimin whispers

" you know Minnie before you i was going to marry tae that means i dont care if the baby is mine or not the baby will be our baby" jungkook said to jimin who smile at him ,and about to got off from his lap but he tightly held his waist

" you know what you just make me do many things now I'm got tired so I want my energy drink " jungkook whisper while looking at his chest and unbuttoning his shirt buttons before throwing him on the bed

He started to shucks on his nipples harshly " mmm kookahh fuck slowmmdowwfn " jimin was moaning on his husband's doing after sometime they both got naked   and now jungkook us admiring his husband naked selve

" ,kook do it fast or we will be got late other must be waiting for us" jimin spoke impatiently to him who chuckles and slammed his Dick in one go in his hole who scream but kook kiss him to low his voice and started to moves inside him and whisper huskyly

" don't try to bring others in our love time babyboy, you can't just fool me in the name of other ,I know you were impatience to fill my Dick in your hole right " jungkook whispers to him who nodded while moaning " and aĥh about others who will ahh wait for us are yoongi and tae and I'm fuck sour he must be busy in fucking tae " jungkook said while groaning jimin hit on his chest and mumble with red chick " shameless "

After sometime the sound of skin slapping stopped jungkook whose face was buried in jimin neck spoke seriously " congratulations mr jeon after some week you will have a baby girl " jimin started to laugh at his professional act


" I said na I don't want to go " yelled can be heard in taegi room " Mrs min I'm telling you for last time go pack your things" yoongi spoke seriously but tae was not listening to him while saying 'he don't want to go ' and at last yoongi lost his control over his anger

" TAEHYUNG I SAID GO GET READY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND A SIMPLE THING " yoongi shouted at him and punch the wall , tae flinched a tear scape from his eyes and mumble slowly enough for him to heard " you Don't love me anymore " saying that he run away from there

Yoongi was shocked to even react , he cursed himself for shouting on tae knowing about what damages a single shout can make ,he take a deep breath and moved to face tae only to meet with empty room , he look into bathroom,  balcony but he didn't find him

" tae, baby I'm sorry please don't play with hyungie and come out" yoongi spoke hoping tae must be pranking on him

He was about to go jin , when namjin with jihope come into his room "yoongii you guy's didn't pack your things we will get late and where is tae is he in the bathroom let me call him" jin started his rap and yoongi widen his when he heard tae was not with namjin he take his car's key and started goes from there to find tae.

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