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When yoongi comes to his room he didn't find tae ,he thought to check bathroom but halt in his step when he heard sobbing sound from cupboard,he tried to open the door but seems like tae is holding it from inside, he  sat infront of cupboard and knock on it " taebaby open the door bubba" but tae didn't said anything instead he heard another sob his own eyes got teary

" baby look hyungie is getting worried baby please open the door, are angry on me wifey did I deed something, I'm sorry but please talk to your kitty hyungie, I promise whatever you want I'll give you please open the door bub"his voice cracked at last

" I didn't wanted to hurt my baby kitty hyungie ,I swear I love him so much how can I thought to hurt our baby " Tae mumbled from inside

" I know my baby never do something which hurt our baby" he take a deep breath and again spoke "please come out kitty is scared wifey kitty wants to hugged you , don't you love me anymore taetae " he spoke in baby voice because in past whenever tae does something like this this trick always work and it's work when the door open itself yoongi sigh in relief but his heart clench when he saw his broken state for him it's feel like the time take to him eight months ago when tae get panic attacks

Tae look at him with teary eyes " I want baby , I want our baby kitty hyungie I love him so much " tear scape from yoongi eyes when he pulled tae's into a tight hugg who immediately broke down while mumbling 'I want our baby' kissed his hair and mumble " I know " After sometime of crying he got tired and sleep in yoongi arms who picked him up and laid him down on bed who started to wake up when he didn't feel his warm yoongi lay next to him and pulled him to his chest who snuggle more in his chest and sleep when he feel yoongi warm embrace


Bts members except taegi are sitting in the living room, they all are tensed because of yesterday event, let's see what is our taegi doing

In the morning when tae wake up yoongi was in shower,  he recall yesterday's event " Oh tae what you did , now hyungie must be angry on jin hyung, but jin hyung said mean think to me , didn't it was you who always run away on medicine time , but he said i dont want my bun , because he loves us too much he want us to safe i know he must have cry " he was talking to himself that he didn't notice that yoongi was standing while leaning on the bathroom room with adoring smile on his lips

"If you had take your decision can we go everyone must be worried for you" yoongi spoke and peck his forehead tae nodded and in some minutes they headed down stairs, when jin saw him coming he look down sadly thinking tae is angry on him ,tae come and stand infront of him

" are you still angry on me hyungie " tae spoke in baby voice with puppy eyes jin look at him with teary eyes and hugged him" why ill be angry on you it's you who shoild be angry on me im really sorry bear please forgive me, hyungie is cruel to say something like that to his bear "  he spoke while crying

" ok I'll forgive you on one thing " tae spoke while pouting and jin immediately said" I'll do whatever you want "tae smile brightly and spoke
" let's play something"

Jimin comes to him and hugged him and spoke " as our bear said "

Like that they live happily with each other , in tae's fourth months of pregnancy namjin adopt a babyboy and named him namji and jikook adopt a baby girl as they has decided they named her Aera,

After four months tae give birth to a babyboy and taegi name him yoonyung everyone was happy expect kook, who wants niece but got nephew, the same day when everyone was with taegi and their babyboy jungkook asked to yoongi for a baby girl while pouting everyone was shocked to cured while jimin face-palm himself due to his husband's stupidity , everyone was happy in their life and jhope settle down in London .



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