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" Oh hyungies you will not say something to him, tomorrow is his birthday and I want to surprise him , so you will help me right" tae asked while showing puppy eyes and jin nodded

After sometime yoongi come down and saw them chatting happily with each other and sigh in relief

" tae pack your back day after tomorrow we are going back Korea so check your things and if you want something go with jin hyung he will company you will shopping im leaving im getting late for meating with mr jeon" yoongi said in one go and leave for office

Now yoongi and jungkook are sitting in Yoongi's cabin " hyung I want to clear everything between us and become like before "

" ok I'll talk to tae he will be happy hearing it " yoongi spoke with small smile
Yoongi was only angry at them , he didn't hate them , and he understands about kook situation that time ,he always see him as a younger brother now he is happy that their friend circle is going to complete again , and about tae he also has forgive them but when he saw them after one year he was numb that's why he didn't react much of their present so yes he also want to with them but as a friend



"Yes sir and their new branch in SOULE which is name after Mr min taehyung will manage by him inshort he is the CEO of SOULE branch"

"So that low class is now become a high class , But I know what I have to do now I don't have any benefit with parks their stocks are also getting down. if taehyung Nono v the mask model become my son in law then automatically my company stock will increase " mr jeon taught in his mind

" I know what you have to do so listen carefully " then he discuss about his plan to his minimum " are you sure sir it will help "

" didn't last time my plan work this time also it will work , and please don't make any mistake" " ok sir I will be careful "

On the other taegi and jikook meet and solved everything and tae secretly invited them for yoongi birthday

Next day yoongi was busy with so many meeting's when got free he received a invitation about party , he called tae to asked if he can company but tae refused it saying he is busy with some important photoshoot so he got ready and reached at the venue , he frown his eyebrows when he saw dark in the partyroom .But he got surprise when flashlight landed on him

But he got surprise when flashlight landed on him

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"hyungie yesterday you had asked me something and today is very special day for you but I know you has forgot about your own birthday so mr min happy birthday here take it" tae said when yoongi 0pen the box light turn on

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"hyungie yesterday you had asked me something and today is very special day for you but I know you has forgot about your own birthday so mr min happy birthday here take it" tae said when yoongi 0pen the box light turn on

"hyungie yesterday you had asked me something and today is very special day for you but I know you has forgot about your own birthday so mr min happy birthday here take it" tae said when yoongi 0pen the box light turn on

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oongi got speechless and seeing it tae look down thinking yoongi didn't like it and don't want to marry him , he bite his lip to stopped himself for crying , unaware of the fact that yoongi is looking at him whole time, yoongi held his chin and make him look up and asked " so when are we going to marry " and peck his forehead

" look at your right side " Tae said shyly

" let's make everything right I wants to start our new journey from today " tae said while looking at him who nodded (I'm skipping marriage rituals)

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" let's make everything right I wants to start our new journey from today " tae said while looking at him who nodded
(I'm skipping marriage rituals)

After sometimes they got married now all the seven friends are sitting across the table while playing truth and dare

" so kookie when are you going to marry jiminie " tae asked to kook who shyly look at jimin " tell me fast minie hyungie " jimin look at him and nervously smile and spoke " actually we got married on the day of our anniversary " " really congratulations hyung and kook" tae spoke excitedly


mr jeon on phone " did you complete what I had asked you ha"

" yes sir I got in the party and now I'm going to execute our plan " saying that second person cut the call and mix something in juice and go to their table .


They are busy when a waiter come to them and offer them some juice who drink them in one go while enjoying the game .

" kookie my head is spinning " jimin mumble " let's go to restroom joon hyung had booked the room also for rest " jungkook spoke, they are about to go when jungkook got mr jeon call " minie you go am coming after attending this call and you know which room right " jimin nodded and said " 106 right "
( when jimin went into room someone changed his room no planet to room other room no)


Suddenly tae started to feelings hot so he look at yoongi and tugged his shirt who look at him with worried expression and asked " What happened baby why are sweating this much "

( so basically mr jeon's men had gave him some strong drugg which make him horney)

" I don't know hyungie, I'm feeling suffocating here please let's go from there " tae said while breathing heavily which made yoongi even more worried

" ok wait a minute I'm going to inform joon so they will not be worried about us when we go from there and don't go anywhere from here ok " yoongi spoke to tae who nodded

When yoongi go from there same waiter comes to tae and spoke " mr min , mr min yoongi is waiting for you in room no 106 please go fast he was hurt" listening it tae go from there to room no 106.

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