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"So mr jeon when are we leaving for soul " jimin asked while wrapping his arms around his neck

" in some hour's mochi, yoongi hyung taehyung and other hyungies are also coming with us to execute our plan " jungkook said last part being sad and jimin notice it and hugged him

" you know Minnie, I always thoughts my mom was villain of my love story, but I was wrong my dad whom I thought is super hero of my story is the main villain, first he separate me from tae, and now he tried to separate us , u know even before yesterday event I was praying to God that please there be any strong reason for his doings but what I got to know he is that much of greedy for money that he can play with anyone's dignity" jungkook spoke with teary eyes, he has loved his dad more than his mother .

" kookie you know it's not your fault that you trust your father more anyone, and about his deeds he himself will tells everyone about his doings, destiny will play with him this time kook , once a legend said karma is a bitch, it's always returns to you now he that's his time " jimin spoke while cupping his face

" minie can I asked you something " kook whisper who nodded with smile " What were you talking about photos with Kris " jimin's smile faded after hearing it , seeing it kook spoke immediately " if you don't want to tell it's OK I'll not force you "

Jimin shook his head and spoke " before leaving from soule yoongi comes to meet me but my stupid self end everything between us , I just not broke up with him also I lost the rite to be his friend" jimin whispers with teary eyes

Jungkook cupped his face and said " What exactly happened that's day that he can't forgive you "

" you will hate me if I'll tell you"

" I'll not trust me I love you more than myself to hate you I can disappoint on you but hating you far from that" hearing it jimin broke down kook hugg him and mumble " it's OK don't pressure yourself on anything , if you are not ready don't tell me , I'll won't mind "

Jimin shook his head and mumbled "before yoongi comes to meet me , I got some photos of him with tae from Kris, I was so jealous that when he comes to me I "


After going from wedding hall yoongi called jimin and asked him to meet him after convincing him for sometime he got ready to meet him , yoongi was very happy to told him truth but when he goes to meet him he all excitement gone after seeing jimin's cold expression , he opened his mouth to say something but met with slapped

" Wow min yoongi wow don't you feel tired of your acting, now look at you act like don't know anything, I know why you are here you are here to tell to whole truth na like how you both got drunk, how uncle jeon kidnapped tae , and how my perents forced you to marry tae " yoongi shockingly look at him and nodded

" now you want to know how I know everything " yoongi nodded " I can't tells his to you min yoongi, you known I was thinking that if you had marry taebear no no not taebear that taehyung then there must been something which I don't know but I never know you will put everything on my family " jimin said with disgust expression

" that's the truth minie I don't know who told you what but i know one thing and that's the truth that for our miserable life your and jungkooks family are responsible and tae didn'tdo anything that so please don't hate him he will not be able to take your hate" yoongi spoke softly while cupping his face but jimin pushed him harshly

" DON'T PUT YOUR SIN ON MY AND KOOKIE FAMILY MIN YOONGI ,IF YOU LOVES ME THAT MUCH THAN WHY YOU WERE MANWHORING WITH THAT SLU" before jimin can finished a hand landed on his chick he touch his chick and look at him with hurt eyes

" Don't look at me with those eyes jiminah , I and you we both know you are wrong here , you know tae way before then me then how can you even think that he will do something like this with you " yoongi spoke

Jimin look away from him but in his jealousy and anger he spoke something which he know he will regret latter
" Wow he pleased to good that you are slapping the person you claim to love , don't know how many times you both has fucked on my back , you know you both suits with each other perfectly, one who have his family but don't know have money and one who have some money but don't have family " jimin spoke

Yoongi close his eyes and spoke " jimin stop your nonsense before I do something which I'll regret doing " yoongi said while controlling his anger

" What you will do slap me again then do it I don't care but you know what I think your father was also like you , he must have spent his time sliping around and you are RESULT OF HIS WRONG DOINGS that's why you are like him and your mother must HAVE ABOUNDED YOU BECAUSE YOU RAISE OWN MISTAKE IN THE NAME OF BABY "

" ENOUGH you know what now I'm glad and thankful to your family that they save me from spending my love and life with a person like you , I always told you do anything ill tolerate but don't disrespect my family , now you hate me that much that you didn't even think before speaking about my perents then ok I MIN YOONGI WILL NEVER WILL BE KEEP ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU, NOT AS A LOVER , NOT AS A FRIENDS WHEN WE WILL EVER MEET ,YOU WILL BE ONLY STRANGER TO ME " Yoongi spoke coldly and went away from there


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