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" are you saying right , kook still has some feelings for tae" mr jeon asked excitedly to Mrs jeon who nodded his head " perfect now it's easy to make him with tae " saying that he went away from there, he stopped when he saw kook standing alone , he goes to him and stand beside him " what's happened son " he asked to kook who was looking at sky

Jungkook turned around and hugged mr jeon tightly and started to sob " Why I'm that much unlucky dad , it's hurt to see him with someone who is not me ," he mumble and thought to himself ' one day I'll got an Oscar for my acting'

Mr jeon rub his back and whisper " everything will alright son I'll make sure of that " mr jeon don't know why he say that but hearing his son crying broke something within , jungkook reattached from mr jeon and spoke in broken voice

" you know dad I'm missing myself,  when I was with tae , life was so beautiful back then no stress ,nothing to care infact he were the one who always take care of me ,But what can I do dad that's was my fault that I couldn't be able to stop him falling out from my love , but now nothing can be changed he is happy with yoongi and I'm I'm also ok with this married,  you guy's are happy that is enough for me I don't want anything now "

" I'm going to see jimina dad , he must be waiting for me , I cant show him my pain what if he left me and mr park withdrawn his shares from our company aa leave it good night dad " he spoke with fake smile  he turned around and smirk while thinking about mr jeon facial expression

Without knowing the guilt of ruining his son's life and draging him into this mess where he is not even happy in his marriage started to surrounding him , a lone tear roll down his cheeks

" is my son was that much broken,  is he loved taehyung that much , I ruined my son's life " he wipes his tears and said " so what if he's hurt , but God that low life become such a sexy view to see I did wrong by letting him go without tasting him but now I'll make it right min taehyung be ready to become bed warmer of jeon's" saying that he went away without noticing his own son is hearing him

Jungkook wipes his tears and mumble " I thought he love me but I was wrong yoongi hyung , I had a hope that he will leave his bad ways for every work but but I'm so disgusted with the thought of being his son "

Yoongi hugged him while controlling his anger how can be he calm after hearing mr jeon thought about his husband " I can't risk it again kook we have to do something quick before he lay his hand on my tae " he spoke possessively the thought of something happens to tae making him incense

" 24 hours,  he chanced everything in past within 24 hours,  now he will accept his all wrong doings well say crimes in. 24 hours , LET'S PLAY THE GAME DESTINY , OF TWENTY FOUR HOURS " he spoke seriously jungkook also nodded

yoongi call hobi and said " I want every shareholders of jeon's and park's to withdrawn their share " jungkook look at him shocked " But hyung like this  my company will be also bankrupt "

" don't worry kook nothing will happen to your hardwork , just trust me" yoongi spoke softly to kook who smile at him while mumbling ' I believes you hyungs"
After some talking they part away to their room

When yoongi comes to his room he was met with sleeping tae , he goes to him and cares his head and kiss his forehead
" no one will touch you again,  not in my watch " he hugged him tightly but got shocked when tae kicked him

" Why did you hit me " yoongi asked pouting " don't show me your pout you are looking ugly and this is the time you comes into room mr min, now go from there and sleep with whom were till now" saying that he held his hand pushed him out from room and shut the door on his face leaving a sulky cat behind the door

Yoongi turned around only to get shocked seeing jungkook also outside of room " you also " they asked together,  " What happened with you kook why jimin throw you out from room " yoongi  asked

Jungkook pout and spoke " actually hyung I kind of didn't remember that jimina had asked me for ice-cream "

" then it's your fault and you deserves it but in my case I just today got late and he talk like I always do that and kicked me out " yoongi spoke with sulky face

" let's sleep in the living room hyung " jungkook spoke and yoongi nodded they lay down on the sofa and drifting in sleep.

After one hour they stirred in sleep when they feel some weight on themselves, when they open their eyes they are met with sleeping vmin, they hugged them tightly and sleep.

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