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A beautiful boy is doing poses for his photoshoot , so the said boy is the famous mask model, 

A beautiful boy is doing poses for his photoshoot , so the said boy is the famous mask model, 

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He was doing his work perfectly,  without noticing someone's gase on him ,

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He was doing his work perfectly,  without noticing someone's gase on him ,

" don't you think mr min is lucky to have a sexy husband like I'm not a gay but I don't mind having him on my bed" a new staff said while eyeing tae from top to bottom

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" don't you think mr min is lucky to have a sexy husband like I'm not a gay but I don't mind having him on my bed" a new staff said while eyeing tae from top to bottom

" do you about whom you are saying this shit,  if his husband comes to know about it then " he was cut of by new staff

" you are just coward,  and don't disturb me let me enjoy this sexy view  let me imagine him warming my bed "

" you Don't know who is his husband right "staff nodded " I don't care about his husband " " you will care when you will see his husband "

He was busy with conversation and looking at model he didn't notice everyone in the room are standing and looking down, when he sense the silent he look around and got shocked when the ceo of company was standing on the doorway with cold face, the said ceo comes to model and spoke

" I want everyone out from there expect that new staff , mr v I want you in my office after sometime " V nodded his head and want away

" mr min did you want something " staff asked , instead of answer he was met with punch after some good beating staff asked " What I did to get beaten by you " mr min look at him coldly

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