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When yoongi started go from there his phone started to ringing,  he pick the call when he saw tae name displaying on the screen " hel" he was cutt of by other side person

" yoongi it's me jimin please come to the city hospital tae is admit" jimin didn't even complete his word when yoongi  leave the phone  and run out , and went to hospital in full speed while breaking signals

After yoongi Leaves from there jin pick the phone " hello yoongi are you listening " jimin spoke impatiently

" jimin It's me kim seokjin, what happened why yoongi run from here like that " I knew it he will not listen my whole talk actually hyung tae got unconscious in front of car so we are in the hospital for his check for any internal injury  but he didn't listen me fully and leave the phone on hold " jimin said frustratedly " jin hyung yoongi is here I hanging "

" where is tae jimin what does doctor tells is he OK nothing happened to him right why are you silent say something "yoongi asked in one breathe

"yoongi breathe and if you let me talk then I would have already told you everything , tae is with doctor and doctor didn't come out of the room but he is ok he just got unconscious when a car stopped infront of him " jimin said calmly with a smile but next moment he got worried when he saw yoongi crying while sitting on his knees , face hidden in the palm.

" Hey yoongi what happened relax he is ok nothing happens to him " jimin said and touch his soldier who hugged him tightly

" I got so scared minie I thought something happens to him he is here it's all because of me , if only I had controlled my anger than he must be in my arm now if anything happens to him na I'll die minie I'll die I know how much panic he got after hearing angry shout but then also I shouted on him " yoongi spoke in low voice while tears are streaming down for his eyes seeing him jimin eyes also got teary ,he cupped his face and wipes his tears and spoke

" it's not your fault and I know there must be any reason for your shouting on him but that not mean that in shouting part it's your fault,  you know I  happy that I got back my friend whom I had lost because of my stupidity, I'm sorry yoongi please forgive me for past behavior I know it's not right to asked your forgiveness but I want to stay beside you like a friend " jimin spoke in low voice

" you know jimin when I left Korea, I only had one thing in my heart for that place , hate I started to hated that place even my surrounding I barely talk to my hyungs , you know that time for whom  my cold heart always got soften " he asked to jimin softly who shook his head negatively " tae , you know even when I was in  relationship with you why I don't know back then but the thought of him getting hurt makes me crazy, you can call it as cheating because yes I love him way before I realized what is love ,and I was never  hate you because i know that time you were hurt that your best friend and your fiance cheated on you but I was just hurt I was hurt with the fact that you talk like this about my perents " yoongi spoke with small smile

" I'm sorry yoongi " jimin again asked forgiveness to him who shook his head and spoke " don't I has forgive you the day I began my new journey with tae " jimin smile to him and spoke while giving his palm for handshake" so let start with the start hi I'm park Nono jeon jimin your husband's Bestie " yoongi smile and shake the hand .

" offo how much of time you both take for your emotional Reunion " they heard a dramatic voice ,yoonmin hurriedly comes to the person

" What are you doing here, and how can that let you go without anyone beside  you " yoongi spoke angrily

" calm down kitty hyungie calm down,  I'll come here because I'm fine " taehyung said softly while cupping his jaw he pout and mumble in low voice " I was ok only , I just wanted to settle everything between us that's why I acted of unconsciousness "

Yoongi look at him coldly his eyes prink with tears " I'm sorry please forgive me I'll not do it next time " he said while pouting but yoongi didn't look at him he look at jimin and asked " jimin did you have bring your car " he spoke softly to him who nodded and without saying anything he goes from there before glancing at tae worriedly tae's lip bobble when he saw yoongi ignorance

" while you come with me or you want to stay here " yoongi asked without looking at him tear scape from tae's eyes but he quickly wiped it and go after him , now they are in the car and tae is shading tear silently because of  Yoongi's ignorance.

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