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Jungkook always believed in destiny, when he fall in love with tae he never thought that one day they will be separated, now here they are married but not with eachother he don't hate taegi , he is only angry on them  because before lovers they were friends and tae was his best friend, the taught of his friends betrayed him hurt him more .( Taehyung ,jimin and jungkook are childhood friends )

jungkook was in deep thaught
unaware of someone looking at him with sad eyes
and stand next to him

" Why they did it to us kook " jimin asked softly

"I don't know jimin, but I surely know that there's something about which we don't know i know tae that much " kook shrugged off

"Than why you said all that that thing to him "jimin asked

"You know me na jimin when I got angry I'll blabbered what's comes to my mouth and don't think twice before saying and i think tae is in good hand I have anger issues and he is fragile, he can't be able to bear my anger"jungkook said

"Yoongi also have anger issues " jimin spoke
"I know but he is composed all the time he let out his anger when it's nercersary not like me ."

"You don't know about his anger kook I'm witness of his anger if he got angry , he never listen to anyone not even I can calm him." Jimin said

"Leave it tell me why didn't you slept,you wants something " kook asked

"  no I just wanted to talk about our marriage,So what you think about our wedding like when are we going to divorce " jimin asked

" Jimin I want to give a try to our marriage, like our perents said they give us what we want atleast we can try to make this marriage work if it didn't work than we will take divorce " jungkook spoke now fully turned and facing jimin

"But we both don't love eachother than how will it will work" jimin said

" If we want to make a marriage work than we have to understand eachother,it's not only about love in marriage , in marriage it's all about trust and if we will divorce than our perents force us for marriage with someone else " jungkook spoke

"Ok I will try to give my hundred percent in this marriage because  atleast I can tolerate you " jimin spoke while teasing , jungkook got offended and about to say something his phone ring, he attended the call and asked to jimin " are you free tommorow." Jimin
mumbled" yes but why" " actually mom and dad wants to have family dinner with us.

After wishing good night to eachother they went to sleep.


Now taegi are on the way of yoongi house, they didn't share a word with eachother after leaving the wedding venue .

"Can I asked you something Yoongi hyung " taehyung spoke braking the silence in the car yoongi take a glance of him and nodded his head with whisper" you can "

" Do you also hate me for what happened" he asked in small voice and a sad pout adore on his lip, if yoongi didn't have his attention on him he will not heard what he said

Yoongi sigh and spoke calmly" tae you and me we both know why you did it and believe me if you were wrong i will never  helped you so relax you are not in fault , and i don't hate you "

" But I ruined everything with my own hands, they hate us yoongi hyung , they will never believe me if I told them truth" tae spoke while teary eyes

" Let's them think what ever they will think, if we didn't do it then they will not be any situation to think if anything will be on blame then that's their money "yoongi spoke in harsh tone and immediately regret when tae start to sobbing while looking down he park his car aside of road and turn to him.

"Look at me taehyung" tae shook his head yoongi lean on his sit and spoke without looking at him "look tae I'm sorry for the harsh tone But not for what I said, I want you be confident  tae everything happened in our life is not your fault so don't blame yourself "
Seeing tae calm yoongi started car.

" How can I not blam myself hyung because of me , my mash-up life you and chim have to suffer, if it's not because of me then you had married to chim and you will be happy with him " tae spoke while looking out from windows

" Jimin is not in my destiny tae if he is than he will comes to me anyhow  " yoongi spoke tae look at him but didn't found any emotion , he is confused what is going on in yoongi mind and all above how can he be calm in this situation .

"Don't worry hyung in future you will marry chim and he is in your destiny" tae spoke

"I don't think so now " yoongi spoke

"And why" " are you forgot that I'm your husband tae " yoongi asked and raise his eyebrow

" Oo that's the problem don't worry about me hyung I'm not a villain of drama I'll give you divorce we can get divorce . " Tae spoke in low voice

" You will give me divorce " yoongi asked and tae nodded" what about tommorow tae if you say I'll talked to my lawyer "tae look at him to see if he is serious or not he got only blank face
Than he mumbled" okay "

" good now give me your wedding ring " yoongi spoke tae look at him and asked "why" while holding his ring tightly

" Because I'll give it to jimin ""why you can buy another ring I'll not give you mine and it's my wedding ring not a plaything which you can give anyone" tae said possesively hold his ring and look out the car window yoongi glance at him and shook his head

" That's what I wanted to tell you marriage also not a play , that today we do it  with someone and yesterday with someone else " tae was about to say something Yoongi cut him off" I know what will you say that we don't love eachother did your mom dad had love marriage no na , let's pretend like it's a arrange marriage  i think they wil be happy with each other more then with us and let's start with start, so I'm min yoongi nice to meet you"

"Kim taehyung nice to meet you " he said with small smile,

now they are seating in the leaving room , " so were will i stay" tae asked
Yoongi was about to reply when his phone ring and seeing the caller ID he mumbled

         "   Please God not again. "

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