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" enough how much lower you will fall? Ha don't you feel guilty for ruining your son's life " Mrs jeon asked while holding mr jeon coller " I always thoughts that's you are a humble , innocent and soft hearted man but I didn't know you are a monster in real , how could you do that me , our son how " Mrs jeon spoke while crying

" stop your drama, now you know na how much of gentleman am I,  and you also know, what I want I get so don't came between my matter " saying this he held tae's hand and pulled him while holding a knife to his neck " no one will come after me if anyone tried to become over smart then this beauty will be no longer with you guys " he spoke while trashing knife on tae's face who was breathing heavily due to panic

Yoongi clench his teeth when he saw tae's condition " mr jeon I can help you from bankrupt so please leave him I promise I'll help you" yoongi spoke desperately seeing tae's panic state whom eyes are getting teary mr jeon laugh loudly and spoke " when I have mask model itself with me so I don't have to worry about money yoongi now good bye will never see you again "

Just as he about to go two bullet hit him one on the same hand which is holding knife on tae's neck and second on his leg he hissed and his hold on tae got loosen who run ftom his hold to yoongi he look around to see who shoot him only to see jungkook and yoongi standing there with guns in their hands while yoongi holding tae who was hugging him tightly while crying , mr jeon passed out due to pain police comes and take him with them to hospital ( now Mr jeons chapter end  he will go to jail after recovery )

Yoongi look at tae who was not leaving him nor saying anything and he has stopped his crying " tae baby let's go have your breakfast" he pulled him out from hugged when he didn't got any reply only to found him passed out

They all got panic to see him unconscious " jin hyung water " jin nodded and gives him water yoongi splash some water droplets on his face to wake me but nothing works " hyung I'm taking him to hospital " saying that he pick him up and went to hospital , others also comes to hospital

"How is he yoongi , did doctor said something " jimin asked to him who shook his head negatively while looking at closed door

Namjoon come to him and cupped his face " let it out yoongiaa I know how much you want to cry now " he spoke softly to him who look at him and open his trembling lip to say something but joon hugged him

" I'm scared hyung " he whisper before breaking down " tell him not to do his pranks hyungn , i dont like it, he had done this prank before now he is pulling this again, tell him if he didn't wake up in next 5 minutes then I'll not talk to him " yoongi spoke will trying to become strong but in last his he started to cry again

" shh everything OK yoongi,  he just blank off because of shock nothing else,  now stop crying or else tae will get sad seeing you crying do you want him to sad" jin spoke when he saw namjoons helpless face

Yoongi wipes his tears when he saw doctor coming out from the room " What happened to him ,is he ok, he is conscious now, right " he started to asked him in one breathe

Doctor chuckles and spoke  " mr min first relax yourself and mr min is also good but ,there is something I want to tell you guy's and I already take his blood to test to know what I'm thinking is right or wrong "

" it is some kind of decease " jungkook spoke when know one open mouth to asked

" no no it's just that " before he complete  a nurse came to him with a file " I think it's reports right " nurse nodded and handed him, doctor smile and spoke " go get doctor wang from now on we will need him for mr min ,congratulations mr min you are going to be father mr min is pregnant "

" pregnant , you must be mistaken Dr tae is a boy how can he get pregnant " jimin spoke

" Nono mr I'm one hundred percent sure he is pregnant, I know it is difficult for you to trust me that's why I did this pregnancy test " he spoke and handed report to yoongi when yoongi saw the positive report he mumble " that's impossible "

He started to smile brightly when he come out from his shock" I'm going to be father ,my bear is pregnant hyung I'm Going to father " he hugged jin who also smile at him and hugged him back

" and we are going to be uncle's of our bears baby" jin mumble with bright smile they all nodded and share hugged together

" I don't want to interrupt you guy's but I have to because , I want you all to meet him Dr Jackson wang from now on he will be look after tae's case "

" hello I'm Jackson wang from China" Jackson introduced himself to them " look I'll will not sweet talk, you guy's knows that he is male and .male pregnancy is rare" they all are listing to him carefully and attentively " you have to look after him and please don't let him stress over anything , stress might be lead him to miscarriage for now he got unconscious because of stress and panic" he look at yoongi and asked mischievously "i think he didn't had anything from last night right mr min "

Yoongi scratch back of his ear and smile awkwardly because he know about what Jackson is talking about

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