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When the couples reach they can hear loud music in background and smell of alcohol , there's not much people only some friends ( soobin, Jay yeonjun, suno, Minho, wooshik ),when they see them they one by one come and congrats them ,after sometime they got bored so they thought to play games.

"Why don't we play dare and dare"wooshik said making them confused.
" I have heard about truth and dare but what is dare and dare wooshik shi"tae asked

" Look in this game there will be two dare and you have to pick one , like if you don't do the first dare you have to drink one glass from that table as second dare." Wooshik spoke

To which all nodded, but here's a person who is nervous and the person is our tae because he can't handle a ship of alcohol but he didn't said anything and agreed to play , now they all are seeting arround table, wooshik spin the bottle who stopped in front of Minho and soobin.

" what I have to do" Minho asked

" Not much you just have to kiss yoongi hyung "soobin spoke and smirked and everyone started to laugh seeing the disgusting reaction of yoongi and Minho

"I don't have that much of courage so "saying this he take a shot of alcohol

Like this the game carry on and all of them got too much drunk ,some of them paas out on the table , our taegi are in drunken state roaming around on the streets.

" Yoongi hyung" tae spoke and he hummed " hmmm" and tae asked in drunken tone "where are we going "

" Wwe are going to club yeah club but where's the club" he looked around but didn't found Any club, suddenly tae shouted



" Let me asked anyone" he spoke

"Ok we will asked someone than you go left I'll go right because I'm always right " he spoke and started to walk

Tae looks around to find someone he was about to walk away suddenly  someone come to him

" Are you looking for someone or something" stranger said

" yes club lights star i don't know name can you tell me where is it "tae said being little confused

"Oh yeah I know that club come i drop you "stranger said

" Let's go " tae said

"Look this is your destination now go"stranger said

"Oh thanks for helping me"saying that he go inside a motel

That person called someone and said
" Your work is done, mam " saying that he cut the call

Next day on wedding destination all families ( park ,min , Jeon ,Kim ), relatives, friends , media has come. jikook also has come but they are tensed because they cannot found tae anywhere,when in the morning they woke up in club they got a latter saying tae is going with YOONGI so they comes back to home , now they are getting tensed because it is getting evening neither yoongi nor tae phone are reachable , everyone is worried for them except one person who is so much happy with this situation.

" Kook what are we going to do " said Mrs Jeon , she is not much fond with tae ", didn't i told you before that boy is not like what he is showing ,but no who will listen to me " Mrs Jeon spoke angrily

" Mom not now please " kook said being annoyed

" kook relaxed, and aunty not only tae yoongi hyung also not there , and we are already worried for them so please don't say anything which stress us more " jimin said with broken voice and teary eyes

"Do whatever you guys want but think about our reputation as well and find them quickly so we don't have to feel humiliation" saying that Mrs Jeon went away to attend guest's

Suddenly Mr Kim phone got notification about taehyung arrival , mr Kim informed jikook about taehyung arrival and they all sigh in relief

" Let's go  I want to see him, is he ok or not " he started to blabbering and jimin hugged him ,attempt to calm his emotions

"Ok we are going but first relax yourself , you know na if tae see you in this state he will be worried you want him to cry" jimin spoke calmly kook shook his head

They're about to go but suddenly the front door of hall opened revealing taehyung in wedding dress looking ethereal in white dress , jungkook frown his eyes looking at taehyung dress which is not the one they has selected but he shrugged off his uneasiness and smile , he comes to tae and was about to hugged him but a hand pushed him back , when he looked at the person who pushed him ,was wearing a mask .

"Speak to him from there and please make some distance with him"

"And who are you to order me ha and how dare you to pushed me "

" jungkook can I asked you a question"

" It's mr Jeon too you and yes asked"

"What will you do when I come to your husband or wife and hugged him "

"I'll pushed him off from him"

"That's what I did mr Jeon I don't like when someone touched what's mine do you got it"

"How dare you to call him your ha"he grabbed his collar"he is mine taehyung is only jungkook's" saying that jungkook pushed him and he was about to punch him but taehyung come infront of him shielding the mask guy and jungkook got worried and hold tae's soldiers firmly and pulled him to himself, now looking at his eyes deeply

" Are you crazy what if I punch you ha" he shouted on him and held him more tightly and tae hissed in  pain he realised what he deed and loose his hold  " I'm sorry tae I'm really sorry I didn't meant to hurt you but when you defend him I don't like it and I lost my control "

"And why you wants to punch him jungkook" he asked emotionlessly and cold tone

" What do you mean why tae and  what is jungkook you call me kookie na than call me that ,and didn't you heard him he called you his " he asked in disbelief

" What ever he told you was true, he is my husband,and  I'm belongs to him not you not anyone"

Jungkook take a step back from taehyung, and a voice echoes in hall .

Jimin slapped tae " how can you do it tae"

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