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Now Mr Jeon, and the park couple are standing with evil smile adore their lips "What we did to you ha why are doing this to us " yoongi asked angrily

" Aww you wants to know what you did , then listen, your first mistake was your meating with jimin and second and the most important was you being a middle low class professor , a professor jimin's one day expense is enough to empty your one month salary, and by the way you were never was the person with whom I see my son's future so sign and do as we told you to do" mr park said

"I know I'm a professor and your son know  it as well , and it is not my fault your son was the one who approached me first not me so if you want to blame your your son " yoongi said angrily because they hurt his passion being a professor was his childhood dream he neither anyone related to him question about his profession " and tell me one thing everything you just said was related to me and jimin then why you bring tae between it "

"Oh my God, it's not about you and jimin
It's all about jimin and jungkook , don't think so high of yourself,  and about him we didn't bring him between anything he come himself ,if he didn't come then kook and my jimina were married already"

"But kook love me ,and chim love yoongi hyung ,they will never Agee,
Don't you see aunt how much we love each other then how can you do this ,don't you love chim ,his happiness is not matter to you"

I know what is right or wrong for my son , and yes I love my son more then you that's why I'm able to see his future with kook , he will be happy with him, and about love Don't pretend like you love him if you love him then do what I told you to do "

" you think chim will be happy with kook right " Mrs park nodded while smiling " you think if I get married to yoongi hyung all your problems  will solve right " now he is looking at Mr park " if I marry yoongi hyung you will let go my family you spare their life right" he asked with teary and hopeful eyes while looking at mr jeon who nodded his head.

Tae took the pen and whisper to himself " I really love you kookie but not more then my family. I can't choose you over them I know when you will know this you will think I'm selfish but it's OK I'm OK with it because my family don't have anyone other than me , I'm sorry " he close his a drop of tear roll down from his eyes he look at yoongi and said " I'm sorry hyung " yoongi give him assure smile they sign papers and you all know what happened after that in wedding venue 


( taegi tell everything to jikook expect harassment part )

When they finished telling them .they look at jikook for their reaction  but they got shocked what they heard from them,

If you guys  blame on my mother  I can bereaved it but you choose whom ever to blame my father  do you known  he was the one who give approval to our marriage,  now i think what i saw what my mom told me about you was always right "

"What do you mean what you saw " yoongi asked with confused expression

"What do you mean what you saw " yoongi asked with confused expression

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Tae started to shake because of panic , yoongi hold his hand which make him somehow calm , " from where you got these photos " yoongi asked looking at jungkook angrily
"Why are you shocked , and you today mom show me your real face , you guys are cheater No kookie it is not was it look like " " I'll asked you one question tae and you have to answer in yes or no " tae nodded"Are you in these photos ""  kookie" tae whisper helplessly " yes or no it is real or not are you really in this photo " kook shouted

" yes I'm in these photos  but it is not" tae was about to tell him but was cutt off by jungkook " I thought you loved me but guess what I was wrong , tell me tae how many time you had cheated me with him or I say how many time you spread your" before he complete his word yoongi punch him

" how dare you to talk about him when you don't know the whole truth" yoongi said while holding jungkook coller.

" look na jimina  how much of affect he has on your ex fiance,  filling bad about your dirty little secret ,"

Yoongi fist his hand to punch him but tae held his and shook his head ' Don't please let's go from there'

Seeing the broken look of his face yoongi stop his actions and nodded , he angrily looked at kook and point his finger to his heart " you and your heart both known how much tae has love you but what you did today you kill the love he has for you , you will  regret jeon , you will look after him but you will never get him " saying that yoongi hold tae hand ready to go from there

"Wait a minute yoongi hyung i also want  to tell him something , you know I was filling guilty for hiding think to you but you just proved  me that you are also a jeon," he looked at jimin who was silent till now " you didn't blame me , you also can blame me ,I'll don't mind "

"I can't my mind telling me that you are betrayer but my Heart don't want to blame you, so I thought to be silent , "jimin said with teary eyes

"Are not you angry on me chim" tae whisper and jimin shook his head and also mumble " I hope your telling truth"
Tae smile at him began to walk with yoongi  , he stopped in front of existing and said,

"Go and tell your father 'a day will come when the game of destiny will again start but that time the predictor will be preyed his whole family will be in our place just like we are now , helpless all alone , Noone will be with jeons  side' and he will comes to me for help "
Saying that they goes from there.

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