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When yoongi was looking for club he realised that he come without tae ,

" O I forgot about him ,if kook will know that I lost his baby then he will beat me , wow here I am worried about him and he is going alone club betrayer " he said with sulky face , he also go behind them .

When tae enter in hotel he was met with a person " hello sir I am lee ,mr Jeon wants to meet you so please come with me" hearing kook name tae smile

" kookie wants to meet me , then let's go I also wants to meet him " lee nodded and lead him to a room, in the mean time his drunken state is now in the sober , his face lit up when he looked in front of him ,

" uncle aunty you guys are also here " he was cut of by a women voice" where's other one didn't i told for my plan I want both of them where is yoongi"

" Mam he was coming behind him , in some time he will be here so you can start your plan " lee spoke

" Send them here and they know na what they have to do I don't want any mistake in this plan" lee nodded and left , tae who is listening this all with confused face asked her

" What plan aunty, are we going to surprise kook " " don't take his name with your poor mouth you dont deserve him " listening it tae smile faded

" What happened aunty why are you saying like this "
"Shut up and I don't have much time look like my plan is going to start enjoy yourself tae baby and bring yoongi to us I wanna talk to him" saying this they go from there , tae was about to go behind them but some one hold his wrist .

" Where are you going baby boy didn't you heard what your aunt said , let me do my work " " and our too" tae flinch when to sense someone behind him he look behind and take his step back their standing six well build muscular man

" then do your work and let me go" he said timidly and tried to get free

" Get him undress now I can't control myself " listening it his eyes got widen and teary " please don't do this let me go today is my wedding "

" If we let you go you go then your aunt will kill us so sorry baby boy , what are guys looking at get him undress before camera start"

(I'm not good with violence so I skip it)

In some minutes tae's upper body is naked , hands and legs are tied to bed with a person hovering over him and he is crying continuely.

Other side with yoongi, he is rubbing his head because of sober his head is hurting like hell suddenly someone tapped his soldier ," are you looking for someone " he nodded and he tell him about tae

" I know where he is i have saw him to going in a room come lead you "

After sometime now he's in a room all alone " did he prank on me if yes then when I met him again I'll kill him but first I have to find tae"

"Can I help you yoongi" yoongi tried to say something but cut of by a male voice" listen I don't want to waste my privious time so I'll directly come to the topic, you are going to marry"

" I know uncle that's why I'm finding tae when I'll found him then we will come to wedding venue"

" Firstly you are going to marry jimin not tae going to marry kook, secondly you are going to marry tae and before saying something look behind yourself on the screen Yoongi " Yoongi was too stunned to speak he looked behind and his breath got hitched when he saw tae's state " now also if you want to do it then look other side , I'll not do anything to kook but I can't take garranty about jimin " there he see guns are aiming towards tae's perents and jikook.

"I think I tell them to continue what they stopped in middle, " yoongi look at tae's trembling figure fist his hand and close his eyes in anger and mumbled 'sorry Minnie' " I'm ready " he whispered

Now he is infront of tae who has eyes closed, head is resting on knees, he slowly approach him and whisper softly" tae are you ok "hearing his voice tae start panicking saying " don't please don't touch me no no kookie help me please " yoongi hugged him,

" Shhh it's ok no one is hear it's your yoongi hyung no one will touch you" yoongi assure him tae whisper " kitty hyungie " listening it yoongi eyes got teary because whenever tae got too much scare he call him kitty hyungie.

Yoongi cupped his face and said softly" Yes baby it's your kitty hyungie now stop crying and wear your shirt " tae look at him with with puppy eye's " wants my help " tae nodded his head he helped him to wear his shirt

"Now stop your lovey dobey act , and sign this paper we don't have time to waste "

Yoongi angrily looked at them" why are you doing this uncle Jeon " he was  cutoff by another voice " aww dear not only your uncle Jeon also your in law don't want to your marry with jimin "

They are shocked to see mr and mrs park there .

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