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After jikook left tae was steal standing in the same spot when a hand contact with his soldier " you did great bear" tae turn and hugged him tightly " What happened " on which tae whisper " I'm scared kitty hyungie " yoongi break the hugged and cupped his face " Why are you scare did someone said something , did you again got nightmare * tae shook his head * then tell what happened " yoongi asked softly

" hyungie I saw something in kookie eyes  like it was challenging me , But I don't know for what and that's the thing is scaring me " tae was restlessly blabbering  while looking down and yoongi made him look at him by cupping his face and said

" nothing will happened to you this time I'll not allowed anyone to harmed you , I know last time I was late but this time I promise you not even a single scratch will touch you " he said while looking at his eyes deeply

They flinch when again door open with loud bang yoongi irritatly look at doorway and found his brothers are standing their along with jin while smiling foolishly " Why everyone is disturbing us "

" relax yoon and tell me who else disturbed your lovely dovey moment " jin asked " that was jungkook and jimin " jin Humm

" by the way  what were you doing that time " jhope asked while seeping his sprite but after hearing yoongi next word" nothing tae was talking while sitting on my lap " hearing it all look at tae who is now blushing mess and said hurriedly "Oh hyungies I have to go today is my important shoot " saying this he hurriedly went from there,

Yoongi look at the way where tae had gone, " Why he run away" he asked and the next thing he know is he Go hit by joon" stupid he was embarrassed "

"but why"  " are you sure you are the one who created this company because I'm doubting it , silly you just talk about him sitting on your lap and asking why he is embarrassed " joon said with done face

When yoongi realised what he said he clear his throat and said " I have meeting in five minutes so I'm leaving " he also go from there

After sometime the three males started laughing loudly " and they say we are friends " they mumble and look at each other

" What do you think jin hyung about their past coming in their present will it effect their relation" jhope asked

" I don't care about who is their past is but I'm one hundred percent  sure they are each other future  and if by chance  anyone try to play with them again I myself not spare him " jin spoke

" What do you think about giving a chance to them " jhope asked and  this time joon reply

" about giving them chance , I know yoongi he will give them chance only as a friend but if they want anything else then they will loose a great friend "

" Why do you think like that what if yoongi give a chance to jimin " this time jin was the one who asked him

" jin you know the answer of this question,  But I'll tell you , according to my brother you can love anyone you want , But you can't found a person who will stay with you in your worse ,and in yoongi case yoongi has given a chance to jimin only if jimin had choose to come with yoongi, the thing were be not
like that  , I know everybody thinks yhat my yoonie is heartless but he is not heartless he is only broken if not for tae he had loose himself "

" I don't understand one think when he is from a royal family then why he choose to leave royalty and live as a middle class professor " jin asked confusely

" our yoonie was a great fan of our grandpa who always tell us story of his marriage with our grandma,  grandpa tell us about him going in a village where he live as a poor man and our grandma was only lady who helped in everything she always take care of him without caring about his status, so yoongi also want to know about  who will really love him or stay with him and there he met jimin and jimin really loved him but you know jimin left him in his worse before leaving Korea yoongi went to meet him but i don't know what jimin tell him that he become cold to everyone even with us he only talked softly with tae and because of him he also start to talked  normally with us "

" now stop your serious talk let's go asked tae how he end up on yoongi lap " jhope whisper to jin who happily nodded joon look at them suspiciously before he can say something they run away from there leaving dumbfounded joon" yoongi was right about them , they are really weird "

Otherside with taejinhope  tae was in his cabin while eye closed but got shocked open when door burst open , he look at jinhope and started crying internally because he knows why they are here

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