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" I just cheated on him woo , what can I do ,I can't even face him" tae started to laugh loudly while teary eyes and look at the man who stare at him with blank face .

he pout when the said man didn't speak anything " What happened , why are you looking at me like this" when tae follows his gase ,he widen his eyes and covers him naked self

" yeah you cat face human how can you stare at me like this " tae said while looking down and blushing  , he gaps when he was pushed on bed while the said man hovering over him.

" Why didn't you enjoy last night when I look at you like this " tae shook his head and mumbled " I don't know I was drunk last night " But his breath got stop  when he whisper in his ear in his deep voice

" But you didn't even take a sheep from that glass so how you got drunk  Mrs min " and pulled blanket from tae who close his eyes tightly,  he comes closer to his ear while playing with his nipples  " look at you enjoying your boss touches when you got marry yesterday only " he said while kissing his coller boan" Why not , when my boss is that much hot and sexy  " 

" aaaahhh baby I want to do it again but I don't want them to hear you , so let's get shower before they again come " After sometime they come out after bathing " are you ready " he asked to tae who nodded 


" Because of your horney self we are late for breakfast,  what will they all think about us " jimin spoke while glaring at him

" Oh common mochi don't talk like you don't like it" jungkook spoke while trying to hug him who shaped his hand away and spoke " you shameless bunny , couch for tonight " come out from room kook also come out behind him but got surprise when they saw media outside taegi room

Jungkook called namjin anf tell about the situation who also come with manager to manage media but when they didn't listen to them at last they have to open the door with spare key , they were shocked to see  the seen of the room.

When they come out from room " did you think tae will do something like this " jimin whispers to jin who shook his head " But didn't yoongi hyung said that he is going for a meeting  so who is with "

" relax guys when they will come we'll know so don't assume anything " joon said after hearing their talk " But joonie if by any chance that's true then I'll never forgive him " jin spoke to joon who nodded

After sometime the door of the room open and they got shocked when they saw who comes with tae jin mumble " how can it possible "

"Mr min can we know who was with you , what was your relationwith him "

" ENOUGH " a loud voice interrupt them

" are you insulting my husband  " yoongi asked while one eye raised

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" are you insulting my husband  " yoongi asked while one eye raised

All the present reporters gulps to see his angry expression ,now they all are cursing the person who had call them and praying for their jobs

" m mi mr min you " after collecting some courage one reporter asked,  yoongi look at him and spoke coldly" not me then who , you " yoongi spoke to reporter who shake his head negatively
" good , where is manager , MANAGER, " yoongi spoke ,Manager nervously comes to them " yes mr min "

" who gives you permission to comes to my room when I'm with my husband , not only you come but you allowed  reporters also , joon hyung fired them all and " he stop when he felt weight on his left soldier, he looks  only to smile at his pouty baby , who is trying not to sleep with pouty lip

He changed his expression to cold again and spoke in low deep voice while holding tae in bridal style " just go from their, hyungs clear them for me please " saying that he moved to room again

Seeing reporters expressionless faces jimin started to laugh,  and after hearing his laugh all bts members started to laugh " you hahhaa guy's thought hahhaaa yoongi hahaha yoongi hyung o god you thought yoongi hyung will let him sleep alone in his first night" jimin spoke and started to  laugh again while laying down on the floor

Namjin and hope kook stair at him with done expression

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