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Now jinhope are sitting in the couch with tae I middle of them, " now tell me what happened in the morning " tae look at the door for help but Noone was coming ,he sigh and began to speak " so what exactly happened is


When tae and yoongi was on the way of company, tae was busy with his phone and yoongi was glancing at him curiously ,he clear his throat and said " What are looking tae"

Tae look at him and smile " that's jin hyung send me some video of my co model who will be with me in my next photoshoot and you know he is so handsome and cute "

" you are talking about him like he is your celebraty crush " yoongi spoke while driving tae smile brightly and Said " how do you know" yoongi stop car and looked at him

" let's go we reached " he said coldly and walk out, tae look at him while going, he pout with slight teary eyes and  mumble" now what happened to him  ,meanie hyungie taetae will not talk to him "

While going inside company yoongi has a small pout adore on his lip , he taught will sulking  " how can he talk about other men in front of his husband , now come in my office I'll teach you some manner , But where is he " he stump his leg and goto his office after sometime he heard door knocking sound he said coming and tae who on bridge to cry come inside slowly and stopped next to his chair ,

" hyungie did I do something that you are angry on me " tae spoke in low voice while looking down yoongi look at confusely and realized he leave him in car , he was about to apologize but thought to tease him "do you want anything mr kim " and that's it a sob scape from  tae mouth which heard by yoongi who look up and regret his decision to tease him he stand and hugged him

" hey tae I was kidding why are crying shuuu stop crying. I'm sorry please " tae look at him with teary eyes and this is not at all pleasant scene for yoongi who is slapping himself in mind because he knows tae is very sensitive,  how much times tae talk about him being change,  But he know tae is like his old self sensitive , innocent and caring

" it's OK I'm a kind person so I forgive you but you have to buy me strawberry milkshake on your own from canteen " yoongi sit on the chair look at him while raising his eyebrows

" didn't your demands getting to high like me the ceo of this company while go and buy you strawberry milkshake from canteen, what will people think of me, no no I can't risk my reputation, go I don't want your forgiveness " yoongi said in teasing tone,  tae look at him angrily and said

" you are meanie , I'll not talk to you, " saying this he was about to go but yoongi hold his hand pulled him and tae landed on his lap "


"That's all happened now are you happy if yes then let's go home" they nodded their head and head to home


There is not much people in party only some friends and business partners who  knows about yoongi and tae wedding ( party is arranged in min mansion)

"Where the hell are they , they are main host of this party steal they have guts to be late in their own party , I know my tae baby will not take that much of time but your that stupid cat face brother must have give him some work " jin started his rap and joon look at him in disbelief

" they are in their room getting ready , jinie what work can he give him here in this house , and it's their special day let them take their time to get ready and look at your face its get wrinkles because of tension " joon said dramatically jin look at him suspiciously but he nodded his head and jin go from there in panic

Otherside with jikook in the morning jimin wish jungkook happy anniversary with cake they cut the cake and wish each other,  jimin looking at kook suspiciously because whenever he made something for him  he always make some excuse to avoid to eat

" What happened today you didn't even avoid my cooking and top of them you wish me our anniversary "

" yes I'm happy  because I'm going to asked tae for his forgiveness and Next year we'll be celebrating our anniversary " jungkook said while smiling

" if tae didn't comes to you then " jimin asked ,jungkook look at him angrilywhile holding his jaw tightly said  " for that I have a solution and I know he loves me very much, he is just angry on me when I asked for his forgiveness he will comes to me and I don't have to use my second plan" jungkook spoke while directly looking at his eyes but his his face soften when he saw tear on his eyes

" I'm sorry jimina and have told you to not talk nonsense but you never listen to me , now look I again hurt you " jungkook spoke softly while caress his jaw ,he don't know why but looking at his teary eyes he felt a pang in his heart

They spend their some time with each other while playing games and talking , for jimin it is best day for him after their marriage, he is very happy .IN evening they got ready to attend taegi party

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