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Jungkook silently comes to jimin who Was talking with new models " I'm here to inform you guy's that I'll be one who will look after Felix and enwoo " he hurriedly spoke without looking at jimin who's looking at him with burning eyes " now you guy's can go "

" mr jeon can I talked to you,  only for five minutes,when you're free" Felix asked and jungkook nodded ,Felix smile and goes from there

"Look baby it's not my fault, yoongi hyung asked me for it , he wants to interrogate them that's why I agree with him" he spoke in one breathe without looking at him who was trying not to laugh at his scared expression but he couldn't control when kook look at him with puppy eyes, he started to laugh loudly and kook look at him confusely

" don't worry you bunny boy yoongi hyung had told me about this matter so don't worry im not mad " he spoke and kook sigh in relief " now go listen to him what he wants and we will go home together meet me after you get free" he mumble and kiss his chick before going out leaving a smiling kook

Kook goes to talk with Felix who look at him with smile " actually mr jeon you must have noticed my stare on you in meeting room" he spoke nervously and kook nodded with blank face " look don't think that in wrong way i was looking at you because you are because you are hyunjins friend and I wanted to know about him I just wanted to know his contacts   " he spoke shyly

" Why will I tell you " jungkook asked suspiciously to him he pout and said " actually I'm his boyfriend but some months ago I have to go abroad without telling him, and now he is angry on me, he even changed his address and number " jungkook sigh in relief after knowing he is no harm to anyone they started to talk while laughing without noticing a fuming mochi is looking at them in jealousy and mumble " he said he is just doing his work come out jeon I'll be teach you a good lesson"

After sometime when kook come to his cabin he saw jimin sitting on his chair " What were you doing mr jeon , didn't you were laughing too much ha tell me i also want to laugh " he spoke angrily

Jungkook chuckles understanding his mochi is jealous without wasting any second he kissed him hard who started to hits on his chest to protest but kook held his wrist behind his back after sometime of passionate kissing they pulled away from each other jimin look down while blushing

" he is hyunjins boyfriend they have some misunderstanding that's why he come here " kook mumble to him softly


" tae do you want to eat something like in drama weird combination of food" jin asked him with hopeful eyes with other members tae make disgusting face he look at Mrs jeon for help who also sigh helplessly because she has tried to make them understand that it's only happened in drama's but they didn't listen to her " I want to eat strawberry " he mumble

Jhope comes with a bowl of strawberry tae held one to eat but he couldn't tolerate the smell of strawberry ,he thrown it and run to basing to thrown up yoongi who was coming from stairs saw him running he also goes after him, jin look up when he saw yoongi is coming he thought tae run away to hide from yoongi because it's his medicine time

Yoongi rubbed tae's back to calm him who was now looking at him with teary eyes and mumble with wobbling lip " I didn't like strawberry smell but i wanted to eat it "  yoongi hugged him and whisper " it's OK i think our bun didn't like it that's why you throw up"

After sometime when he calm down they come to living room " taehyung why did you run ha, you could have hurt yourself ,what if you had fall, don't be careless now you are pragnant not for yourself but atleast think for the baby or you don’t want baby" jin scolded harshly him and before he can control himself he said too much to tae who look down sadly with teary eyes

" jin hyung he was feeling like throwing up that's why he run " yoongi spoke with serious tone when he saw tae's sad face, jin got shocked after hearing him, Looking at the situation joon know that yoongi is not pleased with the tone jin used on tae he himself is angry on jins choice of words but he decided to break the silence

" taebear let's go we will have your favorite ice-cream " he spoke hopefully to tae who shook his head negatively and mumble with smile " I don't want to eat "saying this he get up and went to his room , yoongi also follow him hurriedly with worried expression

jikook who was coming from the main door sense the seriousness " What's happened guy's why so serious " jimin asked to them with small smile " leave it, now tell me where is my taebear i brought his favourite ice-cream "his smile flatter when Noone replies to him

"Guy's you are scaring him he is ok na did something happened to him " jimin spoke worriedly with widen eyes he was ready to go to tae but stopped and sigh in relief when he heard jhope " he is ok jimina , i think he is hurt after hearing jin hyungs words " he tell everything to jikook who look at jin shocked

" jin hyung i know you were worried about him but how could you talk like this to him, you know na he is pragnant and doctor had told us he will be more sensitive then other pragnant woman, he must be very hurt " jimin spoke to him Jungkook hugged him seeing his teary eyes

" it's OK mochi , hyung didn't meant anything which he spoke right hyung " he asked to jin who nodded with teary eyes

" I really didn't meant anything which I said, I was just stress about office work and my all anger burst out on tae, he must be hating me im sorry please forgive  me" he spoke while crying joon hugged him when he his breath started to uneven

" it's OK just asked tae for forgiveness , and he was the one who was hurt with your word ,jinie i know you care about them but the baby is inside tae and he know how to take care of him , he will never do something which hurt him or his baby so please next time think ten times before saying something like this hmm" he spoke softly to him while rubbing his back who nodded ,one by one they goes to their bedroom

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