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When tae turn around his happines slowly faded when he saw the annoyed expression of jungkook face, he cupped his face and asked with soft tone " what happened kookie did something happen"than jungkook spoke

" No tae nothing serious you know na my parents just little argument"

"Why you always argue with uncle aunty you bad bunny now come i have order banana milk for you drink it and cool down " jimin spoke playfully. "O  shorty you are also here  I didn't see you ,what can we do you are to short to notice "saying that he began to run jimin greet his teeth and charge towards him with Trey  and taegi are silently laughing .they happily spend time with eachother not knowing what play destiny had started for them.


"You know na what you have to do , i don't want that low life as my son in law only two days is remain to exicute our plan " saying that ??? Cut the call

"You yourself will brock this wedding and will do as I told you I know your weakness son and i know how to use it"??? Spoke with evil smirk.

Time skip to night

Yoongi is sitting in the garden while looking up to sky drowning in deep thaught he come out from his taught when a soft hand come across his soldier

"What happened yoongi why are you looking stress and don't you dare to tell me nothing happened jin hyung I'm fine because I know nothing is fine now tell me " jin asked softly and and sit beside him because he knows yoongi never express his worries to anyone

" Hyung I don't know why but there is a filling in my heart like something going to happen" he spoke to jin who smile and said" That everybody knows " which make him confused, jin sigh and spoke
"you are filling like this because tomorrow is bachelor party and day after tomorrow is your and taekook's wedding so you are norvous nothing is going to happen now relax and go for sleep "

After sometime yoongi phone ring which show jimin name he sigh and pick the call with smile

Jimin Yoon you know I'm so happy day after tomorrow I'll be Mr min jimin not park jimin

Yoongi i know minie I'm also happy, so tell me what's your plan for tomorrow

Jimin yoon why don't we all togather celebrate our bachelor party

Yoongi sound like a plan I like it ok so where you want to celebrate

Jimin starlight club, love you yoon and good night 😘😘😘

Yoongi ok done love you too min good night

Next day

Our pretty male is sleeping peacefully but his sleep got disturbed by knocking sound he groaned and open the door and got a tight hug and peck from his fiance he smile shyly.

"I love you tae "

"Love you too kookie let's cuddle" tae spoke being all shy jungkook chuckle on his shyness and say yes so now they cuddling " kookie today is our bachelor party than tomorrow's wedding,then I'll be Jeon taehyung right" tae asked innocently kook peck his nose and said yes tae let out  giggle but suddenly stopped and spoke with teary eyes" kookie you will never leave me right "

Seeing tear in his eyes jungkook got alert he hugged him and asked "what's happened baby why are you asking me this question, something happened, anyone say something to you or did mom deed something tell me I'll talk to her" he asked softly while rubbing his back , tae shook his head and mumbled nothing happened "then why are you crying "
" I don't know" tae reply while crying
"Ok now stop crying and i promise I'll never ever leave you now happy" tae nodded

After sometime when tae got calm down they divided to go to jimin and yoongi because they all will go together to venue.

So let's see what our yoonmin are doing so here yoongi have a done face and our mochi is angry , because he don't have anything to wear for bachelor party  .

"Minnie what had I done for receiving your silent treatment" yoongi asked being done with him

"I don't have anything to wear" jimin said with pout and yoongi look at him in disbelief.

" Seriously Minnie only yesterday you got these clothes and today you are saying you don't have anything " he sign " anyway you look good in anything and wear that cloth which I gave you on your birthday" he said  calmly which made jimin happy and give a peck on his chick .Their lovely moment got disturbed by bell ringing.

Yoongi opened the door and smile when he saw taekook are on the door
After sometime they got ready and leave for party.

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