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Now bts are sitting in the living room of jeon with mrs jeon mr jeon is in the meeting,  Mrs jeon look at tae with disgust and spoke sarcasticly "welcome to our mention mr kim I didn't know you are coming with some high class people if I had known I had invited some mans to entertain " she didn't know that who is yoongi and tae to them she  think they working in their company

yoongi was about to say something when tae held his hand and shook his head negatively with fake smile and mumble " it's OK "  but yoongi noticed his sad eyes and stood up with clenching his jaw , tae also stood up seeing his mad expression

" you know what Mrs jeon I didn't like this house , I have to changed everything according to my wifey choice  " yoongi spoke with fake smile and look at tae " Mrs min do you wants to add something here , like you did on our home at London " he asked softly to tae and pulled him by his waist tae blush at there closeness infront of everyone, he hide his face on Yoongi's chest and nodded " our photo " tae mumble cutely while looking up to him from his chest , Mrs jeon look at kook who look away from taegi while clenching his jaw

" and who are you to deciding what will happens in my house " Mrs jeon yelled at them tae flinch at sudden voice ,yoongi glare at her and said coldly "I'm soon to be the owner of this house " he look at jk and spoke " mr jeon didn't your mother know about our deal , I care about nothing, I only care about my husband's wishes mr jeon and if you back away from the contract then ready to see how min's will destroyed you " yoongi held tae's hand and look at his hyungs

" let's go hyungs we are not staying here anymore " they take a step to go from there but smirk when a voice stop them

"Mr min where are you going please stop " mr jeon comes to him and glare at Mrs jeon and put a most realistic fake smile " please forgive her she is naive she don't know about you "

" do you know your wife insult my husband mr jeon and you think I'll be ok with it" mr jeon look at tae more like checking him out who got uncomfortable in gaze  " asked sorry to him " mr jeon look at him confusely" I want " he point at Mrs jeon " her to asked apologise to my husband "

Mrs jeon angrily look at tae and shout " I'll be never asked forgiveness to him "tae flinch and clench on Yoongi's shirts hem tightly,  yoongi look at mr jeon with  raise eyebrows

" didn't you heard asked forgiveness to mr min " he asked to his wife harshly who look at him hurt eyes and spoke while taking deep breathe " I'm sorry for my misbehave" saying that she stomp for there " kook son please so them their rooms "

" ok dad , please come mr min " he said while smirking who also smirked at him , when they enter in room Jungkook burst out while laughing " did you see mom's face when she apologise,  God that was so satisfying see her apologise " he stopped laughing and look at tae

He comes to him and held his hand "I'm
Sorry tae, whenever you come here you always have to heard my mom's nonsense " tae smile and spoke " it's OK kook it's not your fault their actions are their not your to apologise "

" But what we will do next " jimin asked and seat " I have created some doubts in front of mother she must be talking to dad about this " he look at jimin and spoke dramatically"so from now on the crazy lover of kim taehyung was going to alive again,  so jiminah ready to be jealous " 

Jimin look at him with blank face and spoke " do you want to get killed mr jeon " jungkook smile " are jealous after hearing it " jimin gave him a tight lip smile and whisper " look at your behind then talk about jealousy "

Jungkook look at his behind and gulp when yoongi comes to him with serious expression and spoke coldly" do whatever you want but keep a safe distance from my tae " namjin and jhope bite their lip to control their laugh after seeing jungkooks frightened face

Yoongi look at tae when tae smack his arm " then how he make them believe ha stop your jealous ass" yoongi Pout " But don't go too close to him" all of them look at him in disbelief like one second ago he act like tiger and the second he act like kitty

They all goes to their room leaving a sulky yoongi who was being ignored by tae," tae tae baby please talk to me " yoongi spoke sulking but stopped when heard a sob from tae" baby look at me what happened , tell hyungie " he cupped his face make him look up at him  who mumbled while pouting " I don't know why but I'm filling like crying " he said while sobbing Yoongi hugged him worriedly .

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