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Taegi are still sleeping in same position, mr jeon comes downstairs for jogging but stopped on his track when he eyes fall on tae who was sleeping peaceful in his husband arms while wearing yoongi shirts with short pant

He started to check out tae without noticing someone's is looking at him with fire eyes , mr jeon take out his phone to click some pics of tae but someone snatch his phone and spoke
" What were you trying to do mr jeon, it's not appreciate to clip someone's pic when they are sleeping " the voice come out cold

" that's they are looking cute so I thought to click some pics mr kim " mr jeon spoke nervously

" but it didn't looking like you were click  pics of them together but only tae's " jin spoke darkly " you are lucky it's me mr jeon if I were yoongi then you don't know what had happened to you and your possession

" mr kim you must have some misunderstanding, I'm not gay and on the top he was my son's ex lover how can I think like that about him " mr jeon spoke with fake sad tone

Yoongi wake up due to their talking  " about whom and what were you can't think mr jeon " yoongi asked in his deep voice and tae wines in his sleep ,mr jeon panic when he saw yoongi wake up

" yoongi first go get fresh & up " jin said while he look at tae yoongi also follow his gase and notice what he is wearing he tighten his hold around his waist and pick him up in bridal style before nodding and goes to their room

He make him lay on the bed his phone ring he goes to balcony to attend the call but tae woke up when he didn't feel yoongi present next to him , he look around to find him , he notice he is not in the room his eyes got teary " I didn't meant to anger him , he must be thinking I don't want him , he will not leave me for that right " his insecurities getting high without him knowing tears started to flow down from his eyes

Jin was going from there when he notice taegi rooms door was open he goes to close it but heard sniffing sound he panick and goes inside and found a crying tae sitting middle of the bed

" What happened baby why are you crying " he hurriedly sat on the bed and cupped his face " I make him angry hyungie he hates me " tae said while hiccupping

" first calm down  and he can't hates you he loves you so much to hate you " he spoke softly but tae shook his head hugged him tightly and started to cry loudly jin sigh while hugging him back
'You are dead min yoongi ' he thought in his mind

He hissed when someone come inside the room  and throw him away from tae
" What you did to make him cry jin hyung "

" yeh you cat face disrespectful Bratt how dare you to throw me like this , and I did it was you because of whom he is crying I'm going and solved this matter otherwise joon will talk to you next time " jin firstly yelled at him dramatically but at last he spoke with serious tone

Hearing jin serious tone Yoongi got little scare and nodded , when jin goes from there he look at tae who was still crying in his embrass " baby did hyungie deed something to make you upset than forgive me I'll never do anything to make you upset but please stop crying " he spoke softly

" please Don't hate me for yesterday I will never send you out to sleep " he whimper while speaking,  yoongi smile at his innocent wifey he held his soldier and pushed him on the bed and hover over him " So you are upset about yesterday " he asked while looking at tae  who is still only his shirt tae nodded while sniffing cutely

" So you want me to forgive you " tae again nodded " so you want my forgiveness,  let me think what you can do for me ummm ha what about " he spoke while trashing his finger around his navel and whisper in his ear " you let me fuck you " tae mumble a small ok while controlling his moans

Yoongi was about to kiss him when a knock disturb them " Mr min  it's urgent can you please come out " hearing mr jeon voice yoongi got angry remembering yesterday night event " I said I'll fuck you that means it will not be like before I'll go rough on you are you still want to continue " he spoke softly

Tae notice his change of mood but he nodded because he was excited for rough morning session , yoongi smirked and thrust  on him tae bite his lip to scream but again the sound of  knocking interrupt them " I want to hear your voice take my name as loud as you can do " Saying this he started to pound on him like a hungry animal

Mr jeon stopped knocking when he heard skin slapping sound and moan coming from room,  he goes from there " here I'm getting bankrupt and they are fucking each other " he went away from there

" yoo~ngi let me bre~ath " tae spoke while moaning to yoongi who is thrusting in him for twenty minutes without letting him breath

" I'm going to make you pregnant wifey ahhh " yoongi spoke while Cumming deep inside tae who also cum and laugh
" are you forgetting mr min I'm boy not girl who get pregnant "

" just imagine na Mrs min you roaming around while pregnant with our baby looking cute and fluffy " yoongi spoke playfully to tae who started to blush with shy smile " aww are not my baby bear is too shy to become mamma bear"

Tae hit on his chest and mumble " I'm sorry " yoongi confusely look at him and asked " why "

" because I'm a boy and I can't will able to give a child to you " he mumble with pout  while looking down

" we can adopt sweetheart and I love you because you are boy if you were a girl I'll had not fallen for you because I'm gay baby not straight " he spoke softly but at last he spoke teasely with a harsh thrust after sometime they decided to take bath and go down

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