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jikook are enjoying their dinner " kook can I asked you something " jungkook look at him and nodded "Why are you behaving like this please don't get me wrong but it's look like you are giving me some hope in this marriage , when you are going to leave me " jimin asked without looking at him

" who told you I'm going to leave you" jimin look at him confusely " look I know im stupid infact I think I don't have a brain, that's why I didn't realised that in search of my happiness I'm was losing my source of happiness " jungkook said deeply looking in his eyes

" But you went to convince tae to forgive you" jimin asked looking down " yes that I'll do it in before going back"

" I'm full and I'm going to car I'm sleepy" jimin fake a yawn and about to go when jungkook hold his wrist and pulled him on his lap who widen his eyes in shock and look around before whispering " kook what are you doing leave me everyone are looking at us "

"So mr jeon will you marry me not like before in this marriage you will have all the right on me which a husband have on his husband let's grew old together with each other, so tell me will you give a last chance in this marriage and again marry me with your concent " jimin hugged him tightly and whisper 'yes '
After sometime they went to their hotel with a soft smile on their face and sleep in each other arms.


IN the min household everyone was up except taegi who was cuddling each other like life depends, when tae woke up ,first he got shocked to see them in this position but when he remember about last night he got shy and hide his face in Yoongi's chest , he look at yoongi face and about to touch it when

" are trying to take advantage on my sleeping state Mrs min" yoongi said with  close eyes tae look at him shocked and pushing himself off from him and mumble " you were not sleeping " But yoongi just ignored his question and spoke " so I was right you just wants to take advantage just like last night " tae widen his eyes

" What last night I don't remember anything and my head is also spinning " tae asked showing his fake innocent eyes to yoongi who open his eyes and look at him with raising one eyebrow
" you were drunk baby not drugged that you didn't remember anything and if by any chance you are saying true then come let me remind you what exactly happened last night between us " he said and pushed him on the bed before hovering over him who was looking at him with shocked and wide eyes

  " hyungie what are doing "tae asked him innocently when yoongi place a kiss on his neck who shivers from his touch " I'm trying to make you remember about last night " whispering this he peck his earlobe and sit on the bed and look at tae who was breathing heavily with eyes close and his hands are tightly grabbing bedsheet

When tae didn't feel his weight on himself he opened his eyes and immediately close it with his hands when he saw a shirtless yoongi infront of him " What are doing this wear your shirt"

" What I was doing same thing which had happened last night " " I know nothing like this had happened we just kissed and slee" tae paused when he realised what he said and he close his eyes for scolding but instead of scolding he was meet with forehead kiss

" I wanted to asked you something tae will you will you marry me " tae look at him with blank face and went to bathroom and without giving him glance looking at his reaction yoongi eyes got teary  and he grab his hair while scolding himself

" you stupid what ever you were thinking before proposing him ha now look he got angry on you but why he didn't reply me , did he have feelings for kook if it is true that you didn't moved on from him then I'll let you go but before assuming anything I have to talk with him" he sat on the bed and stare at bathrooms door impatiently after sometime tae come from the bathroom  and look at him while pouting angrily
"Tae" before he can say something tae goes from there

"Let's get ready min yoongi or else we will be late for office but don't worry Mrs min I'll win your heart for sure that's a promise of your husband " saying that he leave for fresh up not knowing someone heard him with blushing face

"WHAT,  ARE YOU SERIOUS TAE BEAR HE PROPOSED YOU AND YOU DIDN'T REPLY TO HIM " JIN yelled at tae who flinch at sadden voice " Why are you yelling jin hyung we can hear your voice normally , and taebear now tell me why you didn't reply" jhope spoke

" hyung that's I got nervous when hyungie asked me out , I got overwhelmed by his sudden proposal that I didn't know how to react , I'm sorry  I ruined everything now he will hate me " tae spoke with teary eyes

" aww my poor baby let him come here we will take his class for overwhelming you by his confection " jin spoke and hugged him


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