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Next morning was blissful in jeon mention,  now they are having their breakfast silently when jimin decided to spoke "taebaby from which month you had decided to take leave "

" not till my babybumb will show" tae spoke while eating with pout" I will not take any other contract now but what I had already signed I'll try to complete it as soon as possible "

" you will not stress over anything,  work is not important then you and our baby " yoongi spoke while having his breakfast without looking at him

" yeah you unromantic guy how can you  say something so romantic without any expression " jin said dramatically yoongi look at him

" jin hyung I'm not shooting any movie here to kiss my husband in every five minutes, that's only look good in movies in reality that will only make tae uncomfortable and I had sai seriously that, if he tried to take any extra stress over himself than I myself will give him some day break from work " yoongi spoke softly not wanting to come out harsh

They all smile because they know Yoongi's reply be like this ,he is not much expressive of his emotions which make other think him cold and arrogant person but when he love someone he will be show the person his other side  , tae look at yoongi and smile shyly when he remember what winey cat he is in room with him After having breakfast they all leave for office

Now they in meeting room talking about new models, who is also present in the meeting

" mr min let me introduced you to our new faces who will shoot with mr kim, meet them

Lee Felix ,he introduced to him who was looking at jungkook intentionally while jimin was controlling himself to not kill him

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Lee Felix ,he introduced to him who was looking at jungkook intentionally while jimin was controlling himself to not kill him

Cha enwoo who was looking at tae with lovesick gaze while tae was slightly sleeping enwoo got starlet when mr Lee take his name he bowed to tae then yoongi when his eyes meet with yoongi he gulp seeing his glare ' why he is glaring at me like I wa...

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Cha enwoo who was looking at tae with lovesick gaze while tae was slightly sleeping enwoo got starlet when mr Lee take his name he bowed to tae then yoongi when his eyes meet with yoongi he gulp seeing his glare ' why he is glaring at me like I was looking at his husband or anything ' he thought internally (tae had his mask on so he didn't know that mask model and min taehyung are same person)

Cha enwoo who was looking at tae with lovesick gaze while tae was slightly sleeping enwoo got starlet when mr Lee take his name he bowed to tae then yoongi when his eyes meet with yoongi he gulp seeing his glare ' why he is glaring at me like I wa...

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Choi beomgyu and choi yeonjun mr Lee introduced him to them who were busy listening song , yoongi face-palm when he saw them ,he signal to remove their headphones to Mr Lee who did what he had to told

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Choi beomgyu and choi yeonjun mr Lee introduced him to them who were busy listening song , yoongi face-palm when he saw them ,he signal to remove their headphones to Mr Lee who did what he had to told

" What are you guy's doing here, did uncle and aunt again throw you out" they flinch when they heard Yoongi's cold voice

" actually hyung I mean mr min we wanted do something so we thought why not to fo modeling when we have handsome faces" yeonjun spoke nervously

" taetae hyungie know about it that's why we came hear and hyung ,like this we can look after your husband and baby " beomgyu whisper last part to him and yoongi nodded with a ok

Yoongi gaze fell on tae who was sleeping while sitting " meeting is dismissed,  you guy's can go and so your work  jimin and mr Lee will tell you about your works now you all can go expect mr kim  and mr jeon " they all started to go when Felix look at tae He saw him sleeping he was about to touch him to wake up when a voice interrupt him

" don't, you go I'll wake him up " jungkook spoke coldly to him who nodded and dash out when he comes out he thought ' why i feel like i have seen mr kim  some where, forgot it now i have to focus on why i come here "he shrugged off before leaving from there

" jeon can you look after new models, we can't trust them yes yeonjun and beomgyu are not suspective but the other two i want you to look for their background I can't risk anything when tae is pragnant " yoongi spoke worriedly he have saw the look of Felix when he was staring at jungkook  he didn't suspect enwoo he just want to make clear that he is safe to be around tae

Jungkook nodded and reply " you can relay on me hyung but you are forcing me on death wish, hyung  you didn't saw my mochi murderous look , he was looking like he want to kill that new model ,what will he do when he comes to know I'll be the one who will look after his work" jungkook spoke dramatically on which yoongi chuckles

" I don't know how you will manage him now go I want some time with husband " yoongi spoke and throw him out from there he look at tae who was sleeping silently " I told him not to come but he never listen " he mumble and cares his hair " tae baby wake up ,hurry up we are going back " hearing it Tae wake up immediately and spoke " really " he nodded and they headed back to home

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